Studio Erez Hyatt

Studio Erez Hyatt

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Erez Hyatt is the founder and owner of the studio and serves as its director and chief designer. Studio specializes in designing residential, luxury apartments, offices and commercial space.

Erez is an outstanding graduate of the Israeli Building Center, and in the course of his studies his designs have received acclaim from industry leaders and have been chosen to lead the renovation and design of a central public complex. In addition to his activities in the studio, Erez serves as an lecturer in professional forums in various fields of design.

Erez Hyatt values and focus on minimalist and functional creation, based on a very complex and precise design. Designing space is an art to us, always aspired to leave a distinct imprint and nothing else.

From our point-of-view design at its best accrue when an element is stripped to its essential and fundamental components so can be reapplied back to an intact better form. They desire to break through and change familiar boundaries is an uncompromising professional threshold, which Their clients should and can expect to receive.

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