YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Yinmonth.038 | Russia x Babayants Architects

Russia 2023-11-14

The world around us does not stand still, it is constantly changing and developing. At the same time, our needs and perspectives on life. Something has changed. All of this requires finding new ways to address building organization.

Babayants Architects team has been looking into contemporary architecture, interior, and design for 9 years. They are famous for being the main minimalists in Moscow. But for us, minimalism is as much artistic language as a way of perceiving the world and its beauty. There is a place only for essentials. We live in the future trying to be ahead of time in each sketch. They set the goal to create something new and make a discovery in each project. They also design the sensual experience, internality, and emotions, and work with space, products, and concepts. They design residential and public interiors, and architecture and build brand's perceptions. Passionately diving into new mediums, They are ready to collaborate. Even in tough times, they believe that aesthetics is the core value of a human. Innovation, freedom, and sincerity are the foundation of a great project.


Yinjispace:About the process from design to construction, how do lectures control the quality, and how to restore such high-quality design and details according to the renderings?

Babayants Architects:First of all, I would like to thank the listener for mentioning the question about the quality of our construction. Our studio has such a workflow, after the design is completed, that is, during the construction phase, our studio team will be matched with an architect who is ready for the construction of the project, a project manager, and staff who are involved in the professional support of materials. They will form a special docking team, and will check with the our clients and the construction team on the project every week to check the implementation of our design plan. Of course, all of us will be in this group, including the chief designer of this project, and will solve and answer all kinds of questions raised by clients every day. In fact, our quality monitoring is carried out every day.

Yinjispace:May I ask the lecturer, how such a minimalist design concept was formed? Does the lecturer follow such a minimalist attitude in your life?

Babayants Architects:Thank you very much for your question, which has a philosophical dimension. For us, minimalism is not only an art style, but also an attitude towards life. In a short summary, our understanding of minimalism is to have nothing extra, that is, to focus only on the most important things, at least for our team. Minimalism is not only implemented in our space, but also in our life. Because what we personally consider superfluous will make us lose a truth called the simplicity of the road, will dilute simplicity and clarity. So maybe for us minimalism is first of all an attitude towards life and then a design concept.

Yinjispace:In all the works of the lecturer, we all feel that the visual aspects are very clean and unified. I would like to ask how the lecturer defines this richness between different works, that is, whether there is occasionally visual fatigue, we are also curious.

Babayants Architects:Thank you very much for your question. It's actually quite an in-depth question. It seems that each of our works looks like a relatively clean and unified style on the surface, including some techniques used, design methods, and some details of the structure, will have some similarities. But in fact, each different project will have its own specific design brief, and in the process of completing this design brief, we will also carry out some space design. Because the spatial characteristics of each project are different, it will produce some different ideas on different projects.

At the same time, there will be some different considerations for some different projects. In most of the cases we have taken over, the problem usually occurs that we are required to integrate some special factors, such as structural elements related to spatial load-bearing, into our interior design organically. At the same time, it is also necessary to complete all the design tasks of the project itself, in fact, this will have the opportunity to produce a combination of different design schemes. In fact, every project will give you something new, give us a chance to think, to try something new.

In fact, every new project is a new challenge for us, so we wonder whether this project can adopt some different methods to design, add some more distinctive, or add some more new tools or materials and other factors to achieve a new design task.

Yinjispace:As far as we know, there are a lot of excellent minimalist design studios in Russia, and we were curious to ask, does this style influence each other in the local industry there? Or is it actually a coincidence that the firms there prefer this minimalist direction of design.

Babayants Architects:That's a really good question! In fact, in addition to minimalist design studios, there are also many other styles of studios in Russia. We dare not say that minimalism is not the majority, but there are indeed some firms with similar minimalist design concepts with us. We are also very good friends with them and often communicate with each other, but in fact, in the Russian architectural design industry as a whole. Minimalism is not mainstream, nor is it the majority. Of course, this is also a pity for us, in fact, more Russian customers, especially some private residential design customers and some studios, they are more inclined to more traditional and classical design styles.

Yinjispace:In the process of introducing the project just now, the speaker emphasized the proportion several times. When it comes to the proportion factor in space design, would you like to ask the speaker what skills and experiences in design methods?

Babayants Architects:In fact, we personally feel that our control of proportion in the design process is more intuitive, and if we dig into it from a deeper level of thinking, this intuition is actually more like the intuition gradually formed over many years of experience. If we talk about the method or the experience, for example, let's say that we are now in an interior design, this time we usually choose an area, such as a certain room. Then make a picture in this space, and this picture is to choose a perspective to frame and observe. In this perspective to construct a more correct, or more harmonious proportion. We know that there are all kinds of traditional ways of thinking about proportions, like the golden section and so on, and there are also ways of thinking about proportions through very balanced geometries, which are mathematical and geometric ways of thinking about proportions. But in fact, in the design process, we are more of a combination of vision and intuition, for example, for a specific project, we will first select several major Spaces. Then build scale in this representative space, and then extend this scale to the entire project.