YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号

正在招募 | 墨西哥 x 感受建筑之旅


Mexico, which gave birth to ancient civilizations such as the Olmec and Maya, is one of the countries with the richest historical heritage in North America. The subsequent colonial culture has caused it to undergo a process of impact, change and integration. The relationship between man, architecture and nature has been in a constant state of development and harmonization, which has led to the germination of the concept of naturalism, and at the same time inspired its primitive desire to build, combining the establishment of site, material, light and shadow, and order, embodying a narrative expression that is uniquely Mexican.


On this journey to experience Mexican architecture, from master architects to current outstanding design studios, the local architectural traditions all emphasize locality and the conscious act of place perception. We will focus on six Mexican architectural interior design firms and explore the logic and social significance behind their works through their design strategies that are appropriate to the site, history, environment, contemporary aesthetics and functional attributes of the space.


This kind of "referable" practical design methodology may have some inspiration for us nowadays. 11 days and 10 nights from May 1 to May 11, 2024, join with YINJISPACE to go deep into the "place" itself, to experience, perceive, and appreciate the individual charm of the differences in the overall coordination of the site environment.


Highlights of the itinerary

① 墨西哥建筑设计之旅,从墨西哥城到瓜达拉哈拉,跨越3座城市,由墨西哥事务所创始人担任领队,全程配有专业的设计翻译。

Mexican architectural design tour from Mexico City to Guadalajara, covering 3 cities, led by the founder of the Mexican firm, with professional design interpreters throughout the tour.

② 深度考察墨西哥建筑大师路易斯·巴拉甘(Luis Barragán)的7个重要作品,三位专业领队:Martín Luque先生、Jimena de Gortari女士以及著名摄影师César Béjar先生。

In-depth exploration of seven significant works by Mexican architect Luis Barragán, led by three expert field guides: Mr. Martín Luque, Ms. Jimena de Gortari, and renowned photographer Mr. César Béjar.

③  其中Martín Luque先生:巴拉甘住宅Casa Gilardi的拥有者;Jimena de Gortari女士:撰写巴拉甘专业设计书籍;César Béjar先生:巴拉甘设计协会成员。

Mr. Martín Luque, owner of Casa Gilardi, a residence in Barragan; Ms. Jimena de Gortari, author of a book on professional design in Barragan; and Mr. César Béjar, member of the Barragan Design Association.

④ 特邀墨西哥2位全球级艺术大师:Gabriel Orozco、Bosco Sodi,并参访Bosco Sodi由西扎设计的私宅。

Invitation to two global art masters in Mexico: Gabriel Orozco and Bosco Sodi, and a visit to Bosco Sodi's private residence designed by Siza.

⑤ 聚焦6家墨西哥建筑室内设计事务所:Taller Aragonés、MMX、Taller Hector Barroso、GOMA Taller de Arquitectura、HW 、Macías Peredo。

Spotlight on 6 Mexican architectural interior design firms: Taller Aragonés, MMX, Taller Hector Barroso, GOMA Taller de Arquitectura, HW, Macías Peredo.

⑥ 期间设置5次专业设计课程分享,聚焦豪宅与艺术领域,并参访12座非公开的私人宅邸。

The itinerary includes 5 professional design courses, focusing on the field of luxury house and art, and visits to 12 private non-public residences.

 ⑦ 入住4家设计酒店,其中包括墨西哥城Condesa DF 与Círculo 酒店、莫雷利亚Hércules酒店以及瓜达拉哈拉Bellwort酒店。

Accommodation includes stays at four design hotels, including the Condesa DF and Círculo Hotels in Mexico City, the Hércules Hotel in Morelia and the Bellwort Hotel in Guadalajara.


Due to space limitations, not all visitation projects are introduced.


Exchange with accounting firms

① Taller Hector Barroso是一家位于墨西哥的建筑工作室,由创始人Hector Barroso Riba创立于2008年。工作室所呈现的项目有着“林中静谧”般的意境,顺应场地和周围的景观,与大自然和谐地交织、相融。

Taller Hector Barroso is an architectural studio based in Mexico, founded in 2008 by founder Hector Barroso Riba. The studio presents projects with a "wooded tranquility" that responds to the site and the surrounding landscape, intertwining and harmonizing with nature.

② Estudio MMX成立于2010年,是一个位于墨西哥城的建筑事务所,专注于当地多样性的设计探索。该公司由Jorge Arvizu、Ignacio del Río、Emmanuel Ramírez和Diego Ricalde共同创立,旨在呈现集体性的智慧构建与经验再现,追寻一种共存共生的工作理念。

Founded in 2010, Estudio MMX is a Mexico City-based architectural practice that specializes in design explorations of local diversity. Established by Jorge Arvizu, Ignacio del Río, Emmanuel Ramírez, and Diego Ricalde, the firm aims to present a collective construction of intelligence and reproduction of experience, in pursuit of a working concept of coexistence and symbiosis.

③ GOMA的作品总是具有强烈的几何美感,他们认为在不同的项目中能够找到对的感觉尤为重要,因而几何美学、功能布局等无不经过了深思熟虑的安排,同时将光引入空间,形成自然的光照。这就犹如一个数学等式的出现,解决了所有潜在问题,包括空间所呈现的氛围和情境。

GOMA's works always have a strong geometric aesthetic. They believe that it is especially important to be able to find the right feeling in different projects, and thus the geometric aesthetics and functional layouts are all thoughtfully arranged, while introducing light into the space to create a natural illumination. This is like the appearance of a mathematical equation that solves all potential problems, including the atmosphere and mood of the space.

④ Studio Macías Peredo是一家位于墨西哥的建筑事务所,由创始人建筑师Macías Corona和Magui Peredo Arenas创立于2012年。工作室有着批判性的地方主义思维,并将设计与施工并重,追求建造中的匠心。他们在墨西哥设计了不少住宅和商业机构等项目,使当地的现代气息与手工制作的材料相结合,创造了一座座永恒的建筑。

Studio Macías Peredo is a Mexico-based architectural practice founded in 2012 by founding architects Macías Corona and Magui Peredo Arenas. The studio keeps a critical localist mindset and prioritizes both design and construction, pursuing craftsmanship in construction. They have designed a number of projects in Mexico, both residential and commercial, among others, making a combination of local modernity and handmade materials to create a timeless building.

⑤ HW Studio,名字中的“H”,在西班牙语中,它被认为是无声的字母,其意代表着“沉默”;字母“W”则来自日本的“wabi-sabi”——即“侘寂”,它没有西班牙语的翻译,也没有相对应的西方美学概念,但可以理解为“无常的美”或“不完美的美”。他们将建筑设计理解成是一种空间克制的行为,这些克制最终呈现了朴素的优雅之美。

HW Studio, the "H" in its name, is considered the silent letter in Spanish, meaning "silence", while the "W" comes from the Japanese word "wabi-sabi", which has no Spanish translation or Western aesthetic equivalent, but can be understood as "the beauty of impermanence" or "the beauty of imperfection". The studio considers architectural design as an act of spatial restraint, and these restraints ultimately presented the beauty of simple elegance.

⑥ Miguel Angel Aragones是一位自学成才的建筑大师,1962年出生在墨西哥,他于1982年创立了自己的事务所Taller Aragonés。在他过去20年的职业生涯里创造了众多原创性的建筑作品,并获奖无数。

Miguel Angel Aragones is a self-taught architect, born in Mexico in 1962, who founded his own firm, Taller Aragonés, in 1982, and has created numerous original and award-winning architectural works over the past 20 years of his career.


Inspection items


Selected accommodation and meals


Registration method

感兴趣的朋友可以拨打咨询电话: 008618516033254,或者添加官方Whatsapp:08618516033254,也可以发送需求至邮箱:mia@yinjispace.com

Interested individuals can inquire by calling 008618516033254 or adding the official WhatsApp at 08618516033254. Additionally, you may send your requirements to the email address: mia@yinjispace.com.


Preferential Scheme

① 3 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 500 元

For a group of 3 or more participants, each person will receive a discount of 500CNY.

② 5 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 800 元

If a group consists of 5 or more participants, each person will enjoy a discount of 800CNY.

③ 游学老学员报名 2-5 次 ,出行可减 500 元;第 6 次起 ,出行可减 1000 元 以上 1、2项优惠政策不叠加 ,第 3 项优惠可叠加

Returning participants who have attended 2-5 trips will receive a discount of 500CNY, and starting from the 6th trip, the discount increases to over 1000CNY. Note that discounts offered by items 1 and 2 do not stack, but item 3 can be combined with either of them.


Special reminder

酒店备注Hotel Notes:


The listed hotels in the itinerary are based on double occupancy, with room assignments arranged randomly according to the order of registration. If a participant experiences poor sleep quality, it is recommended to upgrade to a single room. The price difference for the upgraded room is to be borne by the participant.

签证备注Visa Notes:


The passport must have at least 6 months of validity remaining after the trip concludes and should have 2 blank visa pages (excluding observation pages). YINJISPACE only collects passports on behalf of participants. The approval of the visa application is at the discretion of the consulate. Any losses (including, but not limited to, self-booked flights or hotel reservations) incurred due to visa rejection are the responsibility of the visa applicant. Once the visa application is submitted, the visa fees are non-refundable, with a processing time of 6-8 weeks.

保险备注Insurance Notes:


The insurance provided for this trip is only applicable to participants holding passports issued by mainland China. Participants holding non-mainland China passports are required to purchase their own insurance (self-provided insurance). Any risks and losses incurred due to opting out of insurance coverage will be the responsibility of the participant.