YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Alwill Architecture

Beauty Point

Houses Interiors Sydney 2022-07-14

A contemporary concrete house in Sydney, Australia, designed by Australian designers Luigi Rosselli and Kristina Sahlestrom. During the development of the project, we learned a lot from Chinese architectural culture, and Beauty Point is the embodiment and crystallization of this ancient culture in stone and concrete.

The architect learned that the books referred not only to his previous design of a house called "six degrees of separation," but also to the ledges and shelves of the sydney-hawkesbury sandstone outcropping that floated over the steep cliffs of Shanghai harbor on Sydney's north side, including a plot of land owned by calligraphers and businesswomen.

Weathered rock strata have been replaced by deformed concrete slabs with soft edges and cut above the house's overall sandstone layer. An oval concrete staircase forms the pivot point of each floor of the house, securing them to a steep cliff. The staircase also surrounds the ascending core of the descent, which, like a mine, connects the rest of the house to the garage.

Rock is an integral part of the house: from the basement to the top of the house, where sandstone strata provide an ancient geological setting. The living room and the calligrapher's study can enjoy the beauty of the rock wall, the curve on the steps gently curved, expertly carved with stone, climb to an old frangipani tree. They also overlook a small swimming pool and a cave carved into the side of a cliff, perfect for meditation and contemplation of the Buddha.


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