YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Barde vanVoltt

Casa Mezcal

Casa Mezcal is a captivating private residence in the heart of vibrant La Condesa Neighborhood in Mexico City. This 400㎡ property, housed in a former mezcal tasting facility, combines architecture, nature, design, andcraftsmanship in perfect harmony.

Step into a world of charm at this historic site, with cascading stairwells, tree-filled skylights, and classic arch windows. The layout seamlessly merges the indoors with the outdoors, centered around the magnificent Guayabo Japonés tree. This lush green canopy reaches from the ground floor to thebedroom balconies on the second floor.

Barde vanVoltt believes in showcasing local talent wherever we go. That's why they've partnered with Mexican designers, suppliers, brands, and artisans incorporating their work into 90% of the furniture, art, and accessories. Together, they've created a vision that's bold, integrated, and deeply rooted in Mexican culture.


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