感谢你对印际的关注与信任,我们致力于打造一个多元、开放的美学交流平台, 现诚挚邀请您与我们分享您的独特见解和创作。

  • 1.项目图片:高分辨率 JPG 格式(2000px 以上)。
  • 2.项目视频:如果有的话。
  • 3.项目描述:详细的项目概述。
  • 4.家具和艺术品:名称和作者。
  • 5.版权信息:设计师、摄影师、及合作者。
  • 6.项目地点:具体信息。
  • 7.图片说明:任何特殊说明。

我们将在收到稿件后三日内进行审核,并通过邮件告知您审核结果。 期待您的来稿,与我们一同探索美的无限可能!


Thank you for your attention and trust in YINJISPACE. We are committed to creating a diverse and open aesthetic exchange platform. We sincerely invite you to share your unique insights and creations with us.
In order to be able to deeply and comprehensively display your excellent creations and highlight the uniqueness of your project, please provide the following materials:

  • 1.Project Image: High-res JPG (2000px+).
  • 2.Project Video: If available.
  • 3.Project Description: Detailed overview.
  • 4.Furniture and Artworks: Names and Authors.
  • 5.Copyright Information: Designers, photographers, collaborators.
  • 6.Project Location: Specific details.
  • 7.Image Instructions: Any special notes.
If you are interested in our featured interviews and courses [SERIES], or brand collections [PROFILES], please also contact us. We will review your submission within three business days and notify you of the result via email. We look forward to your contributions and exploring the infinite possibilities of beauty together!