Glacier Garden is located at the foot of a large sandstone block on Wesemlin Hill north of the city of Lucerne. The sandstone's origins date back 20 million years to the formation of a Marine beach in the tropical region of Lucerne. The stone has been used as a quarry since the Middle Ages. The overall density of buildings within Glacier Garde testifies to the development of the park, with its scattered, object-like setting of individual attractions reminiscent of landscape parks in the UK.
The current project envisages clarifying the current situation of the Schweizerhaus by demolishing the annex, thereby expanding the park's area. This created the possibility of redefining the park as a large landscaped garden and dividing it into coherent areas. Next to the Schweizerhaus, a central square will be created from which a variety of exhibition elements can be seen.
The entrance leads to a hall with columns in the rock. Daylight filters through the pillars and visitors gradually enter the rock. Gradually, people became surrounded by the climate of the rock: a humid environment, largely independent of the seasons, where rooms were pushed into the rock. The winding path sloped gently into the rock. In the process, people can discover and experience different phenomena in earth's history. They can also explore natural phenomena from the perspective of natural science, or question natural phenomena from the perspective of cultural philosophy, so as to guide tourists to conduct subjective insight.
The intense ambience of the space is shaped by the experience of the main materials, stone, light and dark, enclosed and expansive, sound and silent elements. The geometry and location of the rooms are oriented towards the main sloping layers of sandstone and existing fractures. This enhances the sense of spatial specificity of the diagonal sections of the corridors and caves. The rocks are visible in many places and are only protected where they need to be safe. At the end of the path is a large cavern that collects rainwater from the surface into the mountain lake.
An intricate staircase structure leads to a garden courtyard. From a depth of 20 meters, the visitor climbs step by step toward the light, experiencing and perceiving the basic natural phenomenon: vegetation appears on the rocky surface as the sunlight increases, until one finds oneself on the surface of the Earth. From here, head to Sommerau, a charming tree-lined spot with stunning views of Lucerne. The tour passes watchtower and follows an existing rock path back to the central square.
- Architect: Miller & Maranta
- Photos: Ruedi Walti
- Words: Gina