YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
Morelen Design

Narratives and Fragments of the Field

Purposely using the space as a canvas to draw on, the continuous occurrences of the inhabitants are depicted. As a private domain emphasizing individuality, fragments indicate the ideal of each side, while the narrative perspective collects countless fragments of time and behavior, reflecting the flow of life.

This is an exploration of a spatial narrative expression system, combining nature and art as two main narratives of the home, and sublimating storytelling and philosophical thoughts as the spiritual expression within the space.  “The trees”, “the blue blocks”, and “the life and spirit of people” are embedded in the spatial context, marking clues either explicitly or implicitly. These three elements, through morphological transformations, visual connections, and relational collisions, achieve the continuity of storytelling in three dimensions…


If life is a long series of stories, then within the richness of the entire work, there must be well-arranged interludes that give rise to a beautiful sense of rhythm in the flow. “Nature” has become one of the threads that connects and pauses different life fragments, condensed into an open blank space at the entrance, devoid of any decoration, symbolizing the gift of the refreshing breeze and the bright moon.  Differentiation, fragmentation, diversity - a series of keywords guided by spatial zoning mechanisms are all broken through in the expression of this space. 

The division of the home is used to express normality; it is reconstructed as a flowing narrative using organic techniques. With the new expressive framework at this dimension, the home is no longer just a functional or artistic form of space, but becomes the continuous interpretation of life stories in time. The flickering and freezing of natural scenes, just like edited film clips, collide with the present space, creating a strong correlation of thoughts. The prominence of the blue blocks grows, becoming a newly added thread of clues, an unexpected romance. Within the scenery, there are shifting perspectives, with natural growth and acquired arts blending the commonplace into a realm of joy and poeticism.

The mission of art is to cleanse the dust accumulated in people’s souls. Through geometry, facades and art, blue echoes with wood and metal in different forms, creating multipole visual dimensions that enrich the narrative of life within the simplicity. Above the natural demands of life, the aesthetic talent of art is incorporated, advancing towards the ideal dwelling of diverse human culture.


The integration of the dining room and the balcony allows for an open view, naturally dividing the space through acquired architectural techniques. The dichotomy of seemingly different functions and the contrast of the two speak to each other, and the groundwork for connection has already been intrinsically laid. A branch of vitality, originating from micro fragments trimmed from nature, extends from the landscape, inviting the viewer to gaze into the hustle and bustle, eventually reaching the living room. The brown color echoes throughout different furnishings, revealing an unspoken understanding... The intrigue of the design awaits the inhabitants to unravel the mysteries in their future hidden treasures. The blue blocks serve as artistic rhetoric in the space, as well as a philosophical relationship and spiritual metaphor. The design is an artistic translation of the form throughout the binary control group, interpreting the ensuing changes under the flow of time. Even within the same background color, the chemical reactions of people in it at each moment will give rise to vivid and dynamic fragments.

Sleekness and supreme taste fill the space. Without the need for excessive words, the inhabitants’ aspirations for life have already been meticulously engraved in the details, with exquisite materials, self-formed lighting and shadows. A refined tone is established, and the future content of life will enrich the field.In the clearly defined living room system, the blue blocks – the pivot nodes at the corners - become visible highlights, naturally guiding the sight to the next destination of life through a gradual arrangement that grows in strength.


The fermentation of object-object relationships allows for a seamless transition from the living room to the bedroom. In terms of materials, the wood serves as a natural transition, interweaving and connecting through interposed elements. The blue symbols follow closely, brewing an emotional atmosphere in the simplicity of the space that evokes a strong sense of storytelling. By using “objects” to represent people, visual transitions evoke the imagination, giving rise to a sense of temporal and spatial transformation that continues the infinite unfolding of life… With clear minds, embracing all things, opening up to the world, the language of space conveys a strong spirit of freedom. Poetic dwelling is not solely about seeking seclusion and solitude; inward prudence is forever connected to outward openness. The continuous occurrence of the present towards the future, as well as the philosophical reflection on the relationship between the world and myself, ferment at this moment.


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