Located in the town of Gagliano del Capo in southeastern Italy, the Palazzo Daniele Hotel was designed by milan-based architecture and interior design studio Roberto Palomba. In an era defined by hypercommercialism and excess, architects are increasingly inclined to design virtual Spaces within Spaces. The Palazzo Daniele Hotel is a physical embodiment of the brand spirit of Gabriele Salini's CS series hotels, which perfectly blends Italian art, design and cuisine in a real and organic way.
The Palazzo Daniele Hotel is a nine-suite Hotel building located on the site of the 150-year old family palace of the art philanthropist Francesco Petrucci. On the exterior, the architect kept the original appearance of the palace, with exposed walls covered with cracks, like witnesses of time, and the palace's mortar layer at the center of the space, with frescoes on the original ceiling and massege floor tiles, making the building more magnificent.
- Interiors: Roberto Palomba
- Words: Qianqian