YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Danish Sculptors

Josefine Winding

ART Sculpture Denmark 2024-06-25

My goal is to create a synergy between shape and surface when the surface supports and accentuates the shape, while the shape brings out the beauty and vitality of the surface through the position of the sculpture in the room and how the light hits the surface.

Josefine Winding is a sculptor from Copenhagen, Denmark. She has been exposed to sculpture since she was a child and is interested in different art forms. Among them, her grandfather had the greatest influence on her. She spent most of her childhood in his grandfather's studio. Grandfather's three-dimensional grasp of shadows, depth, curves and balance shaped the way Winding works today.

Of course, in addition to the influence of her grandfather, she also ventured into non-objective and specific art movements, and sought inspiration in the surrounding environment. Winding has always been fascinated by abstract, powerful, and simple artistic idioms. When creating sculptures, she will strike a greater balance between geometric shapes and lines, asymmetry and movement, and she is always exploring new things. A sense of tension emerges in these sculptures, as if it is possible to expand or sprout new limbs at any time.

Winding’s iconic aesthetics is reflected in the balance between edges and rounded corners, as well as carefully considered vacuums and dents, which generate ever-changing light and shadow inside according to the way the light falls and the way the work is placed. Most of her sculptures have anthropomorphic features, but this is not deliberate. She refers to many forms of bodies that she knows and loves, and then unconsciously reflects them through sculptures.

Josefine Winding describes her aesthetic as ‘all about shape, surface and spatial awareness. Calm, stringent, and raw surfaces enable the shapes to play a bold role in the artistic experience. She achieves this quiet yet embracing aesthetic experience using high-quality raw materials. Her approach lets the materials‘speak’through the forms she creates, as she seeks to balance contrasting concepts such as symmetry and asymmetry, simplicity and uniqueness, and shadow and light.


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