YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
British Artists

Kostas Papakostas

ART UK 2024-07-08

I am interested in movement, flow and impermanence and I find beauty and meaning in the constant state of flex.

Kostas Papakostas is a London-based artist, working predominantly in painting and video. His video work is observational, looking outwards to the world. It aims to transforms the mundane to contemplative and examine nature and the human condition. His paintings on the other hand look inwards and have a constant flow and movement. They are a result of a visceral and physical process, which comes from a place where thought, judgment and expectations do not matter. Kostas Papakostas work doesn't intent to offer resolutions or proclaim conclusions. Being in flux, sometimes in a place of an uncomfortable uncertainty, is where Kostas Papakostas find true value.

Kostas Papakostas process is visceral - he moves continuously around the painting creating layers with intuitive gestures until the painting breaks free from his control and starts to develop its own destiny. He never goes back to make changes. Each piece is a memory of an intuitive choreography that extends beyond himself. Kostas Papakostas let the pieces breathe and find their place without an immediate judgement. They endlessly flow, trace, move and stir, setting in motion feelings and imagination.

Kostas Papakostas Influenced by nature, the human condition, love, time and impermanence. His process is both physical and visceral–placing his canvases on the floor, he moves around them continuously, intuitively layering brushstrokes and allowing his consciousness to guide him whilst painting. With monochromatic flow inherent to his work, he draws similarities to Chinese abstract calligraphy and Zen asemic writing. Kostas' work has been exhibited internationally and can be found in private and corporate collections. In addition to his artistic practice, Kostas is an award-winning Art Director. He has developed and art directed global campaigns for Sony PlayStation, Apple, MTV and Christian Dior amongst others.


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