Elisa Ossino Studio is a team of creatives coming from different fields, working under the creative direction of Elisa Ossino, architect and interior designer. They deal with residential and retail interiors, product design, set design, art direction.
The projects that they create are defined by lightness and intensity, two apparently opposite concepts; the studio pay attention to the composition and the weight of the objects in the space with few but very strong marks, in which the objects themselves become symbols developing meanings.
Thanks to their eclectic approach to the design world, they get the chance to art direct and design projects for major brands in the field. Elisa Ossino loves to get inspired by different realities, such as art, architecture, theatre, and traslate the various traces of the collective imaginary into our visions. They always carry out specific researches to better express the values of each brand identity, creating a personal story about the single company we collaborate with and generating impactful and meaningful images, spaces and objects.