Glenn Sestig Architects is an architecture and interior design studio based in Ghent, Belgium, founded by founder Glenn Sestig in 1999. "Glenn Sestig Architects" is synonymous with contemporary elegance. Their work can be seen as holistic and intuitive, but always with a strong sense of architectural sophistication.

Founder Glenn Sestig, born in Ghent, Belgium in 1968, graduated from the Henri Van De Velde Academy in Antwerp. From the beginning, his work focused on extreme precision, mastery of architectural line, proportion and perspective, and it was easy to forget the careful considerations that were required in his design and creation.

Glenn Sestig's designs are mostly urban, almost an extension of the outside world. They are as rigid and precise as the urban grid, but their composition is refined. Glenn Sestig can evoke an old-fashioned vision of grandeur and elegance with only a limited amount of quality materials, but it's too easy to call him a minimalist. Modern life and the essence of space and utility give him a touch of luxury. Glenn Sestig has put his stamp on shops, galleries, offices and private homes across Belgium.

In order to create continuity, Glenn Sestig Studio often takes their original approach to creating flexible works with fluid intelligence that blend with local characteristics. Each finished work is considered a secondary work of art. Architecture is no longer a movement of time, but a statement of a global luxury lifestyle.