YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.
© 粤ICP备19077098号Kazunori Fujimoto is a Japanese architect known for his concrete architecture. Born in Yamaguchi, Japan in 1967, he graduated from Waseda University in 1991. In his early years, he worked for Tadao Ando Architects and NASCA. In 1998, he founded Kazunori Fujimoto Architects.
For Kazunori Fujimoto, architecture, landscape and gardening are one and the same. The existence of architecture is closely related to the surrounding landscape and interacts with each other. When architecture is integrated into nature, it in turn improves nature and elevates it to a new aesthetic level. Concrete buildings will Revere the earth in a dignified and humble way.
In many of Kazunori Fujimoto's works, no matter the concrete house is located on the beach or on the mountain, the architect will try to use concrete as the main material of the building, while the shape and structure are reasonable, using the natural landscape as a backdrop, and sublimating the aesthetic of the building itself. The rough and beautiful texture of concrete is tempered and precipitated by the wind and rain, thus becoming an eternal building that is not controlled by time.