YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.
© 粤ICP备19077098号Aagnes is an interior architecture and object design office based in Guadalajara, Mexico. Its work as a studio refers to a craft, which consists in knowing with sensitivity the luminosity, materials, silence and awareness of the space that is going to be inhabited. Aagnes's aesthetic is an invitation to contemplate and enjoy through a path of introspection, a pause to reflect. Those reflections are necessary to appreciate its style as a constante dialogue between the traditional and the contemporary, the local and global trends, the historical and the timeless.
To unfold its aesthetic, Aagnes harnesses two pillars: shapes and space. With the shapes, Aagnes intends to transcend the ornamental and turn it into identity. The objects, props and pieces that make up its projects arise from its own imagination having a conversation with the context of each space. The materials and processes of its pieces are ambivalent: on one hand, they return to the traditions of Mexican popular art crafts, to reinforce those with pieces recognized in the history of art and design.
On the other hand, the space for Aagnes represents a methodological premise and an ethics at the workshop. Translated as a receptive posture to the different and particular elements which coincide in each project: the architectural design, the hues of light at each moment of the day, the ambient lighting as an incentive for the forms and the vegetal palette that integrates the necessary voice of nature. It is such that series of elements which helps to define the identity in each project as a transversal and integrated work.