AD Architecture

JIEN Woodwork Showroom

Therefore, AD ARCHITECTURE designed a space that notmerely functions as a showroom, but more importantly, an artistic, warm andprivate "reception room" for JIEN.  

JIEN is a franchisee of wooden veneer brand Fanpin. Thecompany opened a new showroom centering on Fanpin's wooden veneer products. Thespace sits on the second floor of an office building repurposed from an oldfactory in the east area of Shantou City. This showroom mainly focuses onwooden veneer display whilst also incorporating customized steel and cabinets.

Taking wood as the medium and draws on the quintessenceof nature, Fanpin is dedicated to creating tactile, distinctive and aestheticwooden panels.

Having been based in Chaoshan Region for 5 years, JIENhas established a network with local design community, and has also enhancedthe visibility of Fanpin's wooden veneers in the local market. This time, JIENinvited AD ARCHITECTURE to conceive the new showroom. AD ARCHITECTURE didn'tregard this project as JIEN's attempt to exploit new market but to consolidate andfurther expand the existing market. Therefore, in addition to displaying the franchiser'swooden veneers, the design team focused more on conveying JIEN's own capabilitiesof creation. The key of the design shifted from products selling to thecommunication of the brand's competence in creating and executing customizedfurniture solutions.

The space itself is a container. The design team tried toexplore products presentation and people's experience in it, hoping tostimulate visitors to feel the charming textures of the space and products, andthen to interpret product details and craftsmanship.


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