Salted · Exquisite BOCUSE

Frequent exposure to something allows us to unconsciously grasp its habits and patterns.

My initial concept of "food" was somewhat blurry, originating from a childhood  reading of Lu Wenfu's novella "The Gourmet." What left a deep impression on me was the two insights proposed by the character Zhu Zizhi in the story:

First, the greatest wisdom in cooking lies in a simple question: salted. Second, the pinnacle of a dish is achieved through meticulous craftsmanship, presenting a sense of lightness, natural elegance, and the true essence of food. 

These insights have remained in my vague understanding and became a spark of inspiration when I began designing at Exquisite BOCUSE.

During the project's inception, I interviewed renowned chefs, including those from Exquisite BOCUSE, to uncover insights into the essence of culinary art. Their straightforward responses emphasized using quality ingredients, upholding tradition, capturing flavors, and mastering cooking fundamentals. While not groundbreaking, these principles proved to be the core essence of culinary craftsmanship. True mastery extends beyond technical expertise, and artistic expression surpasses mere sophistication.

And so it should be for the space.

Hence, I let go of extravagant ideas and resisted the urge to create something sensational at the start of the design process. Immersed in the richness of Chinese cuisine, I keenly observed, listened, and experienced. This space became a metaphorical "salted," inviting everyone to savor its subtle nuances.

Frequent exposure to something allows us to unconsciously grasp its habits and patterns.

China's profound emphasis on food and dining is unmatched worldwide, from vibrant street food stalls to elegant dining halls, each with its own unique style and characteristics. Designing the dining environment is of utmost importance as it engages three of the five human senses (sight, smell, and taste). Adopting a "simplification of the essence" design approach, we aim to explore a more abstract and understated possibility within contemporary upscale Chinese dining environments, offering a complete and distinct dining experience.


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