Italian Artists

Giorgio Petracci

Art Italy 2024-10-25

Each of works represents a crack, a rupture that invites reinterpretation, an opening to a world where we discover our existence and image on this earth.

Giorgio Petracci is an Italian painter and sculptor based in Paris, France. With an educational background in Archaeology, Petracci's interest in artmaking stems from the overlapping of time, spaces, and memories.

Petracci's paintings are windows to alternative dimensions: exploring matter and existence, innovations, and landscapes yet to be discovered. They encourage the viewer to embark on a journey of personal and emotional discovery. His paintings provide a gateway for viewers to glimpse the inner imagined realm beneath the canvas — they are whispers conveyed through the lingering interplay of light and shadow, inspired by his thoughts.

For Petracci, each of his works represents a crack, a rupture that invites reinterpretation, an opening to a world where we discover our existence and image on this earth. "In our lives," he says, "there are moments when we can see things clearly, but they are momentarily fleeting because we are too preoccupied with other things in our daily lives."

Sculpture making is seen as an extension of Petracci's paintings. Wood has always been Petracci's material of choice, with reclaimed wood being the predominant material for his sculptures, which also support his painting practice. The "Curious Objects" series of wooden sculptures has opened up a new avenue for his artistic expression. The sculptures are surreal and playful, intriguing and questioning us as much as they question the artist himself. 

The objects hold sentimental value for Petracci because of the stories behind each component of the found pieces of wood. The artworks exist independently but also accompany the artist in his studio practice, serving as personal lucky charms that guard his memories. In the past decade, Petracci’s artworks have been widely show across France, Belgium and Italy. In 2024, he is presenting the first time in Asia with Space of Time Gallery, China to mark his representation in Asia.


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