Guglielmo Poletti
When you directly interact with materials,Instead of following a predetermined plan,Everything has the potential to surprise you.
Born in 1987, Guglielmo Poletti is an Italian designer.He graduated from the Eindhoven Design Academy in 2016 and founded his own practice,Guglielmo Poletti Studio,in the same year with a master's degree in environmental design.At present,his studio covers a variety of projects that range from custom pieces and limited edition series,to collaborations with the industry.
From the very beginning Poletti has developed a truly consistent language, built around solid criteria.Deeply rooted in a hands-on investigation, his research explores the limits of materials in relation to their use, challenging our perception by questioning the notions of balance, precariousness and structural strength.Characterised by the extreme purity and apparent simplicity, his elementary constructions stand as metaphors of solved complexity, referencing minimalist sensibilities through their architectural qualities.
In his works,the manipulation of subtle details can lead to unexpectedly powerful outcomes, allowing him to achieve a significant impact through minimum interventions. Grounded on a‘thinking by doing’philosophy, his approach entails an experimental attitude, where intuition plays a central role in order to ensure strong coherence within the process.
- Art: Guglielmo Poletti