YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号


Not trained in the increasingly stereotyped business system, break the shackles of thinking or a way.

With the trend of consumption upgrading, brand power has gradually become an important weapon for local enterprises to expand. Beimu (Beimu) is a new model of domestic personalized home furnishing brand, and entrusted Qiao Li to design the brand exhibition hall, hoping to further convey the brand value and deepen the brand core through the design power and the construction of the field.

The brand exhibition hall is not only a display of products, but also a certain space for visitors to fully feel, experience and explore after entering the exhibition hall, so as to form an interaction and emotional link with the brand. In view of the brand attribute, the designer evades the cliches of the traditional exhibition hall and unfolds the spatial description with the concept of "home".

Unknown and Exploration

Get rid of everyday Epiphany
Turn known into unknown

In the era of information bombardment, the cost of obtaining information is getting lower and lower, and what is lost is valuable curiosity. Fortunately, it is people's innate nature to explore the unknown. The external facade of the building has been raised. Between the large area of white and wood color, the building is like a treasure box waiting to be opened, attracting people to go to the bottom.

Wood color symbolizes warmth and sets off the theme of home. The wood veneer derived from the inside of the entrance is an inclined wall connecting with the corridor porch. When viewed from a distance, it is a suspended box, and when located near, it has an obvious guiding effect.

The deliberately narrowed entrance once again subtly captures people's psychology of peeping into the unknown. Mysterious light penetrates from the inside and guides visitors to start a journey of exploration.

Brand and Experience

Space is a dominant brand narrative

The reason why the brand can be popular is that it satisfies the psychological expectations of consumers. The negotiation area occupies position C of the overall space and is the core area for visitors to establish deep links with the brand. Instead of the traditional one-to-one conversation mode, we simulate the "home" scene to dilute the sense of business and create a more free and relaxed communication atmosphere.

As a household brand exhibition hall, furniture is not only the display in the space, but also the ubiquitous exhibits in the exhibition hall. Space layout: with different furniture unfolding different scene feelings, a circular tour line is formed between the furniture and the space, which is elegant and calm, guiding visitors to gradually deepen the brand experience and generate resonance.

Aesthetics and Creation

When aesthetics is accumulated, there is creation. Ellsworth Kelly is an outstanding abstract painter and sculptor in the 20th century. He once said, "geometry is boring, I just want a relaxed and happy art". He is good at applying abstract forms to paintings to create unforgettable and simple irregular geometric images.

The brand image is carved with pure art, and the white relief on black by Ellsworth Kelly is placed in the core area of the space. The lines of the painting just echo the shape of the entrance porch, emphasizing the unity of art, form and space.

The reason why classics are classics is that they are old and new. Bibendum armchair, designed by eilleen gray in 1962, has been born for nearly 100 years, but it still has incomparable recognition. The power of simplicity and exquisite modernism inject more vivid breath into the space.

From painting to furniture display, it has created an immersive scene in which art, design and fashion coexist, so that visitors can be in it, enough to outline the infinite imagination of home.

Light and Flow

The flowing light and shadow endow the space with pure beauty

With light and flow as the core of space expression, the narrative is unfolded, the logic of space is rearranged, and the irrelevant and lengthy decoration is discarded, so that the space changes only with the penetration of light, presenting the most original and clean aesthetic feeling of the space, and the mobility is fully displayed.

Light is a natural gift. In the spatial expression, the introduction of light will convey more delicate feelings. The use of large pieces of glass maximizes the flow of light into the room and further strengthens the flow pattern of the space. The beauty is free, fine and natural.

Texture and Details

Contemporary civilization and primitive texture
Interlace and merge with each other, and achieve the same goal through different paths
The unique background of the achievement space

Subtle details are a luxury character, condensed into the ultimate space experience. The art wall with granite as the main body brings the original vastness and natural texture. The contrast between the old and the new materials, from far to near, from shallow to deep, flows eternal beauty between breathing.

At the moment when people pay attention to experience, the boundary between space and space has gradually blurred. Compared with the traditional definition, whether it can meet the commercial needs, penetrate the brand gene, and make the design truly empower the brand should become an important consideration standard of design.


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