YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Belgium Artist

Katrien Doms

ART Sculpture Belgium 2024-08-19

In my opinion,the acceptance of the spectres of failure and uncertainty as necessary and valuable parts of creating art and living a good life.

Within a world tangled in complexity and chaos, belgian artist katrien doms finds solace in her return to nature, embracing a simpler, more serene lifestyle. Katrien Doms using fire/extreme heat and nature/climate as a medium. Every piece is completely handmade, outdoors without the use of any electrical device and  hollowed out with fire and extreme heat. She worked as an Interior Architect for over two decades. During this period she collaborated with a network of exceptional craftspeople, but became increasingly worried that the value of craft and expert design was being lost in contemporary society. Katrien now devotes her time to her own unique form of woodworking.

In all seasons, Katrien works boldly in an uncontrolled environment. The changing weather conditions dictate and shape the work that she makes. Starting with raw woodUsing extreme heat up to 900 degrees and nature as a medium, exposes Katrien Doms to a very physically intense and time consuming process. All forces of nature have their impact on this making process and ask sometimes for the artist to stop, pauze or start again These tides of creating make the artworks even more precious.

In contrast tot he general image of “burned wood” Katrien succeeds in creating soft, poetic slopes with the dept hand intensity of the element of fire. Her work is about how nature is both beautiful and destructive. Sometimes the wind will take a work, destroying it completely. Katrien considers the acceptance of the spectres of failure and uncertainty as necessary and valuable parts of creating art and living a good life. Her workprocess and the result reflects the person she became.


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