Pantelis Chandris

Post Landscape

Art Sculpture Greek 2022-10-13

The green, wild Cretan landscape and the richness and heritage of traditional crafts define this new, thoroughly contemporary residential design by Block722. Sat on the northern foothills of Thrypti mountain within the Greek island’s eastern side, the project is a commission by a private client. It called for a 280 sq m home on a slope, including two guestrooms and generous outdoor areas.

The complex’s hefty size is cleverly broken down into smaller, straight-lined, boxy volumes which find interconnection with uncluttered circulation routes and "in-between" spaces, some indoors and some open air. The main home is divided into two low buildings linked by a semi-enclosed area with an envy-inducing water feature. Inside O Lofos, where stone, wood, plaster and hints of terrazzo and marble create a muted, relaxed and clean interior.

Thousands of plants were planted in the area that surrounds the house as well as in the terrace garden. Thick walls and roof garden ensure the thermal insulation of the house. In addition, utilising captured heat for warming water is also used.The house is built on different levels following the slope of the land, from the highest point and gradually descending. There is a central corridor that crosses the main entrance and that connects all the rooms of the house. To the left of the entrance is the master bedroom and to the right, you find the living room, dining room and kitchen in succession. 

The artwork was also crucial in the overall composition and the project now holds an impressive 2.8 x 1.5m sculpture by Greek artist Pantelis Chandris. The specially commissioned piece sits in the living room and was developed in parallel to the architectural design, beautifully displaying the retreat’s perfect marriage of scales and disciplines.In the centre is a semi-enclosed area, which connects the communal areas to the master bedroom and provides a stunning view of the pool and a large, floating olive tree. The living area is arranged in three levels due to the uneven and steep landscape, offering a variety of intimate spaces with unobstructed ocean views.


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