YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
Lubanera Design

Zhu Zhang Jinhui Concept Store

Space is an important carrier of brand value presentation. From material selection to texture form; A high degree of consistency in shaping brand value.

The main chapter of ZHU ZHANG conveys the design and life concept of bold and independent, adhering to the original heart of the self, and intends to build a vibrant womenswear designer brand. Combined with contemporary art thinking, it explores the close connection between space and consumers, arouses consumers' association with the brand and makes it clearly recognized in consumers' minds. Bobo, the creative director of LubanEra·Design, absorbs the essence of cutting-edge culture with his perceptual cognition beyond the trend, perfectly integrates the brand spirit connotation of ZHU ZHANG's main chapter with the elements derived from nature, and endows the space with a new life in the form of freedom. The main chapter of ZHU ZHANG has built a natural and carefree commercial space.

Lu Ban Spirit·It's a work of art· Focused to the Max

When the breeze touches your face, your mind becomes instantly clear and transparent, living in harmony with nature.

We do not pursue the so-called design style, but only explore the commercial value created by aesthetics for space. This is the way of Design innovation of Bobo, the founder of LubanEra·Design. Design is the control of desire and the dialogue between restrained aesthetics and space. Let the space more pure external presentation, with the least design to give the space unlimited imagination, in order to arouse emotional resonance, bring a good feeling that touches the heart.

No Formality

Simple colors, crisp lines, and blurred boundaries all present an extreme experience from the senses to the spirit. They are neither formal nor defined, and only rational and pure modernism interprets the understanding of fashion in this era.


Simplicity is not the goal of art, but we usually arrive at simplicity naturally when we get close to the essence of things. The overall design abandons useless decoration, combines the contemporary design context with the brand concept, integrates the unique details of the low-key and restrained artistic forms and materials into the simple and neat forms, and creates a simple aesthetic with the unified and restrained materials.

Spatial Emotion

Texture is the mood of the space, a large area of white space, break free of the shackles of rules, give the space more free imagination. The granite wall is like the brushstrokes of nature, seemingly random, but easily affecting the subtle feelings when approached. The warm touch, the wild texture of nature, is nature full of healing power.

Freedom and Order

When the curve and the straight line contrast, when the coarse and delicate dialogue, and meet each other; Living in it, feeling the coexistence of freedom and order, shaping the complementarity of sensibility and rationality, pursuing harmony, nature, and balance. The fitting room is placed in the center of the store. The curve is integrated, and the collision of solid wood and granite echoes each other with the imitation of nature, perfectly dividing the flow line of people, not only showing the beauty of the building, but also effectively ensuring the display, sales and practical functions of the products, further improving the fluency of consumer experience and the comfort of space viewing. The simplification of the moving line and the closed loop of space design are completed.

Natural Harmony

The natural beauty and natural texture of granite are exposed outside, like being in the pristine mountains, so that consumers are gradually immersed in the natural environment created by the space. It looks primitive and rough, but the design's sophistication and order are hidden in it. Under the premise of ensuring the bulk and texture as much as possible, the stone body does appropriate and necessary cutting, hollowing and polishing to produce the main structure of the exhibition table that meets the functional requirements, and the overall space generates a sense of simplicity, nature and tranquility.

Rough and Delicate

The differentiated expression of different materials constitutes a poem of spatial detail. Still pay attention to detail and proportion control, simple lines depict the flexibility of space, rough and delicate coexist, bring more subtle perception.

Call of the Soul

Space aesthetics more often rely on visual and emotional attraction, rather than a specific style, with nature to awaken art, with art to decorate nature, pictorial sense sublimated into a story, art is no longer just a visual enjoyment, but also the call of the soul.


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