Since before the Coronavirus pandemic,Makoto Tanijiri had started looking for land parcels along the river near the ocean. Whenever he can find the time,he enjoy an idyllic life of camping and visiting the snowy mountains, where there existed no architecture. The experience of being in a place where no infrastructure is readily available is to Makoto Tanijiri, heartily enriching every time he visit.He often think about how to create something close to this natural experience through architecture in a wide-open space.
With this in mind, Suppose Design Office decided to create a business of designing and building villas.The business model is to select an excellent plot of land surrounded by nature, build upon it a villa, and share it between four sets of owners. When the owners are not using the villa, it is rented out to the public as a single villa.
Suppose Design Office also oversee the establishment and operation of a matching system that allows for simultaneous rentals.It is an architecture has a wide range of uses, it is "your villa" and can also be used by many people. This is the answer they have created that combines aspects of the pandemic, architecture, nature, and investment.
Suppose Design Office researched into, and installed in villas the maximal insulation systems that will withstand all kinds of climates. A river running in front of the house provides cooling.Before going to bed, can jump into the pool to cool down ourselves and sleep with natural air conditioning. On cold days, warm ourselves with a wood stove.
Eating, bathing, and sleeping with the windows open and feeling the wind in the environment removes the boundary between nature and architecture, creating a richer experience. It is a minimal, simplistic experience, much like in camping, but tempered with a sense of relief protected by architecture of just the most basic function.
- Architect: Suppose Design Office
- Photos: Kenta Hasegawa