T-FP designed a space where two brands with completely different genres and attributes coexist. It is a showroom of high-end window brand Withjis and a branch of Cafe Jinjungsung. The single-story building facing the sea is spread out widely, making it feel even lower and more noticeable. The interior space was designed to be relatively dark so that the light flows smoothly and the emotions of yin energy can be fully felt. The skylights placed above the main bar and the object table act as a spotlight with natural light.
The stereobate was designed with inspiration from the Woldae — a large pedestal-type platform installed in front of important buildings such as the main hall of a palace — of Jongmyo Shrine. It is acting as a buffer at the intersection of inside and outside, and also adding a sense of depth to the entire space. Once you step in, various frames are formed due to elements such as the stereobate, eaves, and pillars; the scenery of Jeju spreads in different ways according to them. The depth and color of scenes vary depending on where you stand and which direction you look at.
Every dimension of space — from floor and ceiling lines to window frames and furniture — was very strictly adjusted to express Withjis brand's uncompromising attitude to technology. At the same time, studio wanted to emphasize this attitude more through the raw elements such as stone walls, hackberry trees, and log benches.
- Interiors: The First Penguin
- Photos: Kiwoong Hong
- Words: Gina