YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Viruta Lab

Perelló València

Viruta Lab designs a poetic sanctuary for the soul and mental health in Valencia.

Under the creative direction of architect María Daroz and architect and interior designer David Puerta, Viruta Lab has orchestrated a symphony of shapes, textures and emotions to materialize a sanctuary where worries fade away and people find peace.  Inspired by Plato's allegory of the winged chariot, the concept of the space is a dance of contrasts, where the dichotomy of the human soul is palpable in every corner.

The project's layout revolves around a central space designated for the waiting room, from which the different consultation rooms are accessed through a narrow corridor.  This distribution presents various irregularities, which are geometrically corrected to regularize the rooms through a large wooden box, housing installations, structure, storage as per the program, as well as the kitchen and toilets. 

The chosen materiality is an ode to the search for beauty in imperfection.  Thus, the studio values the irregularities of space with walls plastered with mortar grooved with a toothed trowel manually;  a living material, shaped by human hands, that seeks beauty in diversity and disproportion in every detail.  The interior design revolves around its own aesthetic language, where grooved mortar becomes the guiding thread that stitches every corner of the space, expressing the human incongruities and singularities harmoniously and poetically.


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