YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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British Artists

Wayne Charmer

ART Sculpture UK 2024-06-03

My goal was to capture this fluidity during the final cooling process, so that my work takes on an organic character, the glass undergoes many changes during firing, and the unknowable side is part of its appeal.

For Wayne Charmer, the fascination of glass is to exploit it’s translucent and reflective qualities. Inspired by nature, his signature techniques for his sculptural work are constructed from numerous hand-cut glass shards which is exploits to great effect with his Bloom Bowl Collection. Whilst heated for several days in the kiln, the sharp edges are softened resulting in layers of melted glass resembling petals and other organic forms.

Immediately attracted to working with glass during his time at university, Charmer was excited by the complex and challenging processes of this material. During his creative career, he has developed a comprehensive technical knowledge which he is constantly striving to expand on. He has exhibited extensively throughout the UK, has worked on numerous private commissions and has work within the private collections of the Turner Museum of Glass.

Wayne Charmer was drawn to the complex and challenging process of manipulating the material, which is solid in form when cool but becomes fluid whilst in the kiln. Wayne Charmer aim is to capture this fluidity in the final cooling process and present these organic characteristics within work. The glass undergoes many transformations whilst firing and the 'not knowing' aspect during this change is the attraction. Over the years Wayne Charmer have developed a clearer understanding of the material yet he strive to develop new ways of working to explore and exploit the qualities of glass, which in turn, presents new obstacles to overcome, which retains oneself fascination with the medium.


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