Nathalie Deboel is an interior design studio based in Knokke-Heist, specializing in interior residential design, creating a low-key, luxurious interior for its customers.

At the core of all of Nathalie Deboel's designs is the room itself which she uses in a resourceful and flexible manner. In organizing it she creates unexpected perspectives. The rooms are sensual and radiate calmness which allows for personal touches.

Keeping an open mind comes with the will to genuinely listen to the clients' needs. Nathalie Deboe decision to study interior architecture was a very conscious one, based on my deep interest in the human attempt to create a nest, a 'comforting' home that is a familiar and safe haven.

Nathalie Deboe's curiosity was instilled from an early age on. As a child, she was taught to look at the small wonders that nature offers and learned to appreciate the world directly around her. Simultaneously she developed a broad interest in music, art and cultures near and far. All those layers have found their way into projects, sometimes purely philosophical but also in tangible references and associations.