André Fu reveals the synergy between two visually contrasting concepts. Through deconstruction and re-imagination, AndreFu Living's theme for 2021 is "Art Deco Garden". His personal approach to design is not just a combination of styles; Instead, he wanted them to harness different cultures and reflect contemporary culture. Beauty itself is an internal quality, not based on any style.
André Fu has revisited Japan's historical Zen gardens and found them to be very romantic, especially Tofukuji. It visually presents a different composition, using nature as a raw material to produce a series of charming and lyrical Spaces. Andre Fu found the zen garden's clever use of pebbles to be highly appealing, with smooth and continuous lines evoking a sense of visual movement but inner peace.
At the same time, there is a subtle movement of similarity in the patterns used by André Fu in art Deco. In an age of passion and glamour, characterized by bold and rigorous geometric shapes, there are forms in a symmetrical combination. Their intricate lines are formed through the interaction of circles, and their diagonals also evoke a rich sense of hierarchy and movement.
For the new collection, he was interested in exploring whether there was a way to reinterpret the art Deco silhouettes in stark contrast to the sensibility of a Zen garden. In many ways, he wants to deconstruct art deco patterns with the characteristics of the sensuous movement, and Zen Garden is an interesting juxtaposition of these two very different cultures.
- Interiors: André Fu Studio
- Words: Gina