
Sydney Cove House

Arent&Pyke was commissioned by the client to design this four-story residence in Sydney. The home retains the historic essence of a late 19th century Georgian terrace. and was remodeled with practical thinking to accommodate a professional couple and their three young adult children. From the interior to the exterior, traditional details have been restored and highlighted with modern additions that enhance functionality while elevating the home's classical air.

Like Arent & Pyke, the clients wanted the design process to be less about demolition and concealment and more about enhancement and development. They wanted a superbly rigorous and detailed intervention that contrasted with the home's honeycomb tactile walls. The brief was to be aesthetically pleasing, rather than pretty, and also called for the interior to adopt a white theme with a minimalist decorative tone.

Internal walls were unified throughout with a bright white tone, while the repaired floorboards were stained a rich ganache shade to ensure light bounced across the vertical surfaces. Echoing this crisp contrast, all internal doors were also painted black. The stairs further enhance this theme given the white balusters were capped in a matching black shade. 


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