British Potter

Diane Griffin

Art Pottery UK 2024-09-24

My ceramic sculptures are inspired by our human experience, and how we connect with each other and the world around us through rituals and ceremonies.

Born and raised in London, Diane graduated with Ceramics B.A.Hons in 1988 and has worked in ceramics ever since. She has many years of teaching experience but committed full time to her artistic practice in 2015 and works from her studio in Northamptonshire. Diane has taken part in many shows and exhibitions both nationally and internationally, including exhibitions at London Art Fair and Collect International Art Fair.

The paper-like scrolls in Diane’s work were inspired by a trip to Jerusalem many years ago. Here she visited the Wailing Wall and was intrigued by the thousands of wishes and prayers written on paper and crammed between the stones in the wall. She was inspired by the collective focus for so many peoples' hopes and wishes at this ancient site and their interaction with it. Diane Griffin sculptures offer a focal point for connecting with memories, personal stories and emotions, establishing private moments of contemplation.

Diane Griffin current portfolio is made up of 2 collections, functional vases & vessels and fine art ceramic sculptures. Both stem from similar inspiration sources and she enjoy designing within the boundaries of function and small batch production as well as having the freedom in making sculptures where she can explore deeper into oneself themes and experiment with forms, concepts and media.

Diane Griffin work features many paper-like scrolls, sometimes single scrolls as a bud vase and other times pushed together to form a sculptural focus on a larger vase. Diane Griffin enjoy using a combination of techniques - slip casting and hand building. The main body of her larger vases is slip cast, then hand roll scrolls in different sizes and apply them individually. Diane Griffin use a variety of scroll sizes for visual interest as well as allowing different stem sizes to be accommodated. she have aimed to strike a balance between a sculptural aesthetic and a practical function.

The passage of time is a concurrent theme in Diane Griffin work, exploring the continuous and evolving relationship between humanity and the Earth. Ancient customs and beliefs passed down through generations which continue to shape and bring meaning to our lives today. Diane Griffin sculptures are created to evoke a sense of removed familiarity, with forms that suggest both ancient origins and contemporary relevance. While deeply rooted in traditional practices, Diane Griffin work offers a contemporary interpretation of these themes, aiming to create pieces that are both timeless yet appropriate in today's world.


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