Estudio MMX

DGB Apartments

A 7,901 ft condominium in Mexico has been designed by Estudio MMX, a local architecture firm. The main design premise of DGB Apartments is privacy, flexibility and independence, as well as the effective use of green landscape and extensive outdoor areas.

Estudio MMX explored the idea of interwoven units in the design of the project to better satisfy the specificity of the site, while ensuring that all apartments are integrated with the outdoor space, better ensuring a large frontal view, as well as the relationship between the different levels of gardens and apartments.

The public and private Spaces of each unit are closely linked with terraces and central patios, giving the units spatial and visual amplitude. Based on the traditional patio scheme, the building integrates the space into a garden, interwoven with the public areas of the project. The terrace runs along a large outdoor terrace facing the street, creating a series of continuous open Spaces that face the city and the building itself in multiple directions.


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