YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
GODOT Design

GODOT Design Office


Black is the absorption of all the colors and the birth of the color, he has the irreplaceability of thinking about the value of the design, we are still in the chaotic world to pursue and maintain their own quality of design firm, will be the inclusion of the force of the Moriello and the obsessive pursuit of the force into their own.


When the black contains a sense of solemnity and the Bauhaus space concept fusion, the birth of Godot's new office, as the color before the dawn does not need too much complex background and props rendering, only a simple layout and tone to highlight the exquisite mystery under the spontaneity and nature. Layers of spatial moods result in a spatial quality full of power and texture.


Restraint is an expression of point of view, a spiritual ambiguity embedded in the mood of a full space, not simply gray, white and black, or all low-saturation color relationships. In the meeting space, the black tone reveals the gray-green texture embedded in it, so that the calm and steady space shows great tension, which is the charm of rational restraint, and the romantic thinking and passion under the emotion coexist with it.


The physical form of the space is established on a black base, creating a sense of intellectual coolness amidst spontaneity and comfortable self-compatibility, and creating a rational yet restrained atmosphere of detachment. However, as an office space, a softer mood is indispensable for daily life. Coldness and tenderness are both contradictory and can be combined. Light, however, rationalizes their coexistence and gives emotion to the solemnity. The warm color of the light connects the space and conveys the emotion.


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