Liljencrantz Design

Home of Sofia Wallenstam

Fashion house co-founder Sofia Wallenstam, Louise Liljenkrantz's longtime design partner, has redesigned an arts and crafts house in Stockholm that serves as her home, The redesign makes it a timeless home for peace and elegance.

Sofia Wallenstam's home is an early 20th century heritage building located in a nature reserve. Sofia Wallenstam uses natural Swedish emotion in the design of this home, vast space has minimalist line, inside collect tonal and rugged natural material. To her, there is no competition between aesthetics and utility. Aesthetics wins every time. Anchored to an open kitchen and a 350kg solid walnut and oxidized steel dining table, she and her two young daughters fit in at home. A custom-dyed 4.6m carpet is placed under the huge dining table to match the soft taupe walls.

Wallenstam and her two sisters founded the fashion house inspired by the legacy of their grandmother Dagmar. Their grandmother Dagmar was a seamstress who believed in craftsmanship and quality. She always taught Wallenstam to buy better, more durable items, everything from clothes to the dining table. Keep it simple and authentic, as it will last a lifetime, and these values are evident throughout this newly designed home. From the Transylvanian limestone-covered kitchen countertops to the carefully hand-crafted stained oak wardrobes that echo the original woodwork of the 1905 home, it's all for the ages.

This northern autumn, as the weather changes, the fireplace becomes the focal point for the family, just as Wallenstam dreamed it would be. She recalled a recent Friday night when they lit a fire and she and her husband sat on the couch with a glass of wine while the girls played guessing games and sang songs, thinking this was the way she wanted to live.


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