YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Mark Zeff

Colorado Residential

Houses Interiors America 2022-12-15

Swank’s desire was to build a dream home that was sustainable and blended into nature. She wanted large-scale windows that would frame the expansive views of the mountains, and a place where they could grow their own food.She also cared about their rescue animals having space to roam freely.

Ultimately, the house is a modern and gorgeous exercise in sustainability, reclaimed materials, and environmental upcycling—it literally camouflages itself into the Colorado terrain.“We felt it was really important to use the materials of the land and to be as sustainable as possible,”Swank explains.

Swank’s architects,Jodie and Bruce Wright of One Architects, Inc.,found local masonries to build the home’s stone walls.“They took each rock and they put it on a stump of wood and they [chiseled] it to fit to the next rock, and the next rock, and the next rock,”Swank recalls of the family of artisans.“Having their energy in that rock as the foundation of the house is a really beautiful feeling.”That thoughtful intention informed the rest of the home.


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