
Bun Burgers

Bun Burgers, a burger joint in milan's Brera district, is Masquespacio's final project for Bun, a local burger chain. The space was designed to incorporate Bun's new interior image into a more complex exterior.

Bun Burgers uses four different colors, unlike its previous interior design. This time around, while the palette was less ornate, the studio gave it a more mature look and adapted it to the historic district in which it is located. The space also incorporates other elements previously seen inside Bun, such as the higher-level benches, as well as Bun's furniture and lighting.

An unappealing space at the end of the venue has been opened to the public and transformed in a reimagining of the swimming pool concept. Here, it serves as a place to be found, with a mirror effect that recreates the feeling of being surrounded by waves.


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