Teo Yang Studio

Gyeongju National Museum

Gyeongju National Museum is a minimalist Museum in Gyeongju, South Korea, designed by Teo Yang Studio, a design Studio founded by Teo Yang. The project is a redesign of the Shilla History gallery and lobby area of the Gyeongju National Museum. Teo Yang leads his design team to combine contemporary aesthetics and minimalist architectural design concepts with national traditions.

Drawing on Korean culture, the design team interprets elements of 21st century history in a complex, tranquil and welcoming space. "The design of the lobby of the Gyeongju National Museum aims to prove that the ancient artifacts preserved in the Museum still inspire Teo Yang's contemporary design.

Based on this concept, the geometric patterns of Silla pottery were redesigned as decorative wooden elements for the hall; Silla's extravagant style and lavish precious metal ornaments inspired the studio's custom bronze lighting elements and ceiling mirrors. As with all of Teo Yang's work, a minimalist approach to detail and craftsmanship dominates. This allows even the smallest accessories within the museum to be elevated to museum-quality works. A sense of calm is as important as spatial symmetry and is fundamental to the design scheme.

Specifically, the hall is designed to convey three main messages. First, it serves as a space that prioritizes emotional connection; Then, it is in an area that offers rest and is surrounded by art; Finally, it is a new way to view and display centuries-old artifacts.

Carefully placed furniture throughout the Gyeongju National Museum ensures that visitors can enjoy the works on display at their own pace in a peaceful and engaging environment. The studio hoped that the Buddha statues placed at either end of the space, combined with the view of Mount Namsan in Gyeongju, would create a mesmerizing experience for visitors.


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