The First Penguin

Newsound Church

Like many churches today, Newsound Church has been given modern symbols and the liturgy has evolved into a combination of traditional and modern programs in an effort to be relevant to all age groups.

A church is a place where people "commune" with those who have passed away, where they can express how much they are missed. Newsound is a departure from the traditional sense of church, which often feels solemn and serious in honor of those who have passed away. The dark wood itself carries a sense of grandeur, making the whole space dull, but the dark blue pavement on the ground, but let the atmosphere is soothing.

Parts of the space are dimly lit, deliberately creating a quiet place for the deceased to rest. The dark corridor seems to imitate the way people often say that the dead must walk alone, that is the way to rebirth.

In the interior space, some installations can still be seen in accordance with the Korean tradition, and in combination with modern installations, can better reflect the contemporary people's attention to ritual.


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