YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.
© 粤ICP备19077098号New Material Research Laboratory is a design firm established in 2008 by contemporary artists Hiroshi Sugimoto and Tomoyuki Sakakida. Contrary to its name, the Institute of New Materials studies materials and techniques used in ancient, medieval and early modern times, and is committed to their modern reinterpretation and revival.
Hiroshi Sugimoto, a Japanese photographer and contemporary artist, was born in Okachimachi, Tokyo in 1948. He is known as the first person in conceptual photography and the "last modernist". He is admired for his iconic and topical topics. Black and white photography works. Including museums, theaters, sea views and architecture. He graduated from the Economics Department of Rikkyo University and went to the California Art Center School of Design to study photography in 1970. One of his works "Seascapes, Seascapes" has been famous all over the world.
Hiroshi Sugimoto explores the ideas of time, empiricism, and metaphysics by means of surrealism and formalism. He calls himself a "habitual self-interviewer", using the camera as a bridge to connect all kinds of abstract questions with the elements of modern people's daily life. Time, memory, dreams and history are the themes of Hiroshi Sugimoto's photography.
Tomoyuki Sakakida was born in Shiga Prefecture, Japan in 1976. He studied architecture at Kyoto Institute of Technology and obtained a master's degree. In 2003, he founded his own office of the same name. He worked in the office of the architect Waro Kishi, and later collaborated with Hiroshi Sugimoto and participated in many designs. Sakakida currently teaches at Kyoto University of Art and Design.
Tomoyuki Sakakida learned how to adopt construction methods from his mentor Waro Kishi. Kishi's modernist ideas remained in his heart as a basic framework, and what he learned from Hiroshi Sugimoto played a big role in how he added Japanese elements to this basic framework.
New Material Research Laboratory will inherit the technology that will be forgotten in the modernization process and further improve it. They aim to firmly believe in the concept of "old materials are the latest", and are committed to how to reuse and inherit ancient, medieval and modern materials and technologies into contemporary architecture. They believe that the latest attempt is to create a building that handles old materials while avoiding the trend of the times.