YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.
© 粤ICP备19077098号Studio Fragment is an independent creative team based in Seoul, South Korea, founded by founder SeoDonghan. The studio spans space planning, design and production. They designed an invisible relationship that exists between everything in space. They use metaphorical language to describe space, believing that a fragment is not just a part, but a part that allows the user to imagine the whole. By studying connectivity, usability, and the relationship between space and project, the optimum atmosphere is provided for the space.
Studio Fragment is named after an artifact founder SeoDonghan noticed while visiting a museum during his travels. At the time, SeoDonghan looked at some of the pieces and imagined the rest of the shapes. He believes that each small fragment has its own story and cannot talk about everything in the design, so he hopes to use some small fragments to poetically express the whole space. Work by imagining an empty space, or by creating a feeling.
For Studio Fragment, the most important thing as a brand is to make your story unique and not be dictated by The Times or trends. To do this, SeoDonghan believes that the attributes and characteristics of the brand should be strengthened and the unique story behind the brand should be told. This is why the designers designed according to accurate spatial standards. Good questions beget good answers, so SeoDonghan tends to think about what makes a good question.