Studio Fragment

Minjukim Anguk Flagship Store

Travel Shop Korea 2023-02-15

MinJuKim is the fashion brand of famous Korean fashion designer Minju Kim. MinjuKim's first showroom is located in Bukchon, an area where you can feel the oldest tradition in Seoul. Bukchon has many hanoks, and Korean traditional houses, and is an area where many tourists come from abroad.

Hanok, a traditional Korean house, is generally made of wood, but the building on the site where Minju Kim's showroom was planned was unusually a modern improved hanok with a concrete structure and a combination of hanok shapes. Studio Fragment were interested in the architecture of the time when structure and style were combined to create a new format, and it was not as if it were made as planned, but as an experiment of ideas and forms of architecture at the time.

So, Studio Fragment wanted this building to be a structure that contained the thoughts and emotions of hanok, not just borrowing in a style. They first deleted the walls except for the columns, and the windows were out of the columns so that the boundaries could feel extended. In addition, the pillars and beams were exposed so that they could be seen as frames, so when viewed from the inside, the landscape of the exterior came into the interior, and the boundary of the interior space was flexible from the outside, making the space look expanded.And inside, metal and mirror materials that create distortion and reflection of space made us feel the experience of coexisting or transitioning between real and imaginary spaces.

The basement is Minju Kim's workspace. The first floor is a space to show Minju Kim, but the underground floor is a space where Minju Kim thinks and produces. So, Studio Fragment designed facilities and devices for Minju Kim's work only on the basement floor, and on one side, they designed a space for archiving Minju Kim's work.


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