Studio KO is an interior design Studio based in Paris, France, with offices in Marrakesh, Morocco. It was founded in 2000 by Karl Fournier and Olivier Marty. Based in Paris and Marrakesh, the studio creates contemporary public and residential buildings around the world, inspired by the wisdom of place.

After meeting at the Beaux Arts School in Paris and founding the studio together, Karl Fournier and Olivier Marty applied their basic propositions to every dimension of the project. Rooted in classical training, the duo adhere to a global and immersive approach to their specialties, from architecture to interior design and furniture design. At the heart of their approach is the uncompromising freedom needed to create a unique story that is most in tune with the real setting.

 At the beginning of every project, there is a chance encounter. Most importantly, start with the initial conversation with the customer. Physical and sensory afterwards, by discovering a site, by imposing itself through its landscape, its social and economic structure. What follows is a dialogue between elements and experiments in uncharted territory. Working on the edge of archaeology, it leads the architect to explore the site and its history in order to grasp its essence. This continuous creative process allowed KO Studio to find its own path naturally. This is a prerequisite for the emergence of contemporary, appropriate and vivid forms.