YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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招募结束 | 意大利 x 斯卡帕永恒之旅


This marks the first edition of the YINJISPACE Master Journey to Italy.

在卡洛·斯卡帕(Carlo Scarpa)看来,“尊重过去的唯一选择,就是成就真实的当代之作。”这是他一生的最好印证。自伊特鲁里亚人开始,曾经的意大利无不通过国家的力量塑造了属于不同时代的“当代之作”,而其中的“当代”不仅重构了“过去”与解释了“当下”,也深刻地影响着“未来”。基于地理环境、社会背景、城市肌理的特殊性,使意大利拥有丰富的文化“褶皱”与历史细节。

In the eyes of Carlo Scarpa, 'The only choice to respect the past is to create genuine contemporary works.' This is the best testament to his life's work. Since the Etruscans, Italy has shaped 'contemporary works' through the power of the nation, representing different eras. The term 'contemporary' in this context not only reconstructs the 'past' and interprets the 'present' but also profoundly influences the 'future.' Due to the unique characteristics of its geographical environment, social background, and urban fabric, Italy possesses rich cultural and historical heritage.


Breaking free from structures that symbolize status and identity, 'details' emerge as a poetic language of construction, thanks to the architectural practice of Carlo Scarpa. Details, like individuals among the multitude, liberate themselves from obedient wholes, possessing distinct self-will, character, and vibrant vitality. Just as understanding, depicting, and portraying individuals reveal the true face of their era, for Carlo Scarpa, 'an understanding of details in various parts will also make the whole clear and distinct.


Compared to the 'inspiration' from 'insight,' 'insight into construction' places a greater emphasis on tracing the footsteps of the master. The works from different periods reflect his phased thought processes. Through the planning of visits based on time, location, relevant figures, research, and artworks, we aim to outline the traceable architectural ideas and evolutionary process of Carlo Scarpa. From April 16th to April 23rd, 2024, an 8-day, 7-night journey through the timeless architecture of Italy awaits you. Join YINJISPACE to approach it with admiration and closeness.


Highlights of the itinerary

① 意大利设计之旅,从米兰到威尼斯,跨越5个城市,由艺术策展人与知名学者担任领队,全程有专业设计翻译同行。

Italian Design Journey, spanning from Milan to Venice, covering five cities, led by art curators and renowned scholars, with professional design translators accompanying throughout the entire trip.

② 深度考察意大利建筑大师Carlo Scarpa的8个重要作品,四位专业领域领队:Guido Pietropoli 先生、Alba Di Lieto女士、Filippo Briccolo先生、导演Stefano Croci先生。

In-depth exploration of eight significant works by the Italian architectural master Carlo Scarpa, led by four expert field guides: Mr. Guido Pietropoli, Ms. Alba Di Lieto, Mr. Filippo Briccolo, and director Mr. Stefano Croci.

③ 并参访当年与斯卡帕一起合作的两位重要艺术工作室:Zanon Artisans two britherse、Orsoni glass factory。

And visit two important art studios that collaborated with Scarpa at that time: Zanon Artisans Two Brothers and Orsoni Glass Factory.

④ 以“神性建筑”为主题,深度考察建筑师Paolo Belloni的多个重要教堂作品。

Exploring the theme of "Sacred Architecture," conducting an in-depth study of several significant church works by architect Paolo Belloni.

⑤ 邀请2023米兰城市外围展Alcova策展人Valentina Ciuffi & Joseph Grima分享策展策略。

Inviting the curators of the 2023 Milan Peripheral City Exhibition, Valentina Ciuffi & Joseph Grima, to share their curatorial strategies for Alcova.

⑥  与意大利当下极具热度的艺术家Paul Bik面对面交流,参观他的个人工作室的同时开设艺术设计相关课程。

Face-to-face exchange with the currently prominent Italian artist, Paul Bik, including a visit to his personal studio and the opportunity to conduct art and design-related courses.


Due to space limitations, not all visitation projects are introduced.


Exchange with accounting firms

① Carlo Scarpa(1906年6月2日-1978年11月28日),意大利著名建筑师、玻璃工艺与家具设计师。Scarpa深受材料、景观、威尼斯历史文化以及日本美学的影响。凭借对材料美感的想像,他的建筑作品深刻地体现了短如季节、长似历史之河的时间递变。

Carlo Scarpa (June 2, 1906 – November 28, 1978) was a renowned Italian architect and designer in glass and furniture. Scarpa was deeply influenced by materials, landscapes, the historical and cultural context of Venice, as well as Japanese aesthetics. With an imaginative appreciation for the beauty of materials, his architectural works profoundly reflect the fleeting nature of seasons and the river of time that flows like history.

② Guido Pietropoli于1980年创立studiopietropoli。他生于1945年9月19日,出生在意大利罗维戈。他于1964年至1970年期间在威尼斯大学建筑学院学习,并在1970年以满分和学分的成绩毕业,导师是Carlo Scarpa教授。他在1972年开始在勒·柯布西耶的工作室为威尼斯的新医院设计。1972年,他开始作为专业建筑师工作,并在帕多瓦的莫尔塞利创立了自己的工作室,并与Carlo Scarpa教授合作。

Studiopietropoli was founded back in 1980 by Guido Pietropoli.Born on September 19th, 1945 in Rovigo, Italy, he attends the Architectural Institute of Venice University between 1964 and 1970, when he graduates, full marks and credit, under the supervision of Prof. Carlo Scarpa. He then works in the studio of Le Corbusier for the new hospital in Venice. He starts to work as a professional architect in 1972, opening a studio in Monselice, Padova, and collaborating on projects with Prof. Carlo Scarpa.

③ Alba Di Lieto曾是Carlo Scarpa图纸档案馆的馆长(1989-2022),目前,她在米兰理工大学教授“室内建筑与展览设计”。她参与了斯卡帕多个经典作品的修复,其中包括:维罗纳博物馆、罗马剧院考古博物馆、城堡博物馆以及壁画博物馆。撰写了关于斯卡帕的多本书籍,并是网站(www.archiviocarloscarpa.it)的策划人与撰写者。Alba Di Lieto设计了近60个展览项目,同时参与了卡洛·斯卡帕在巴黎、伦敦、爱丁堡、日内瓦、维罗纳和蒙特里萨的相关展览。

Alba Di Lieto served as the director of the Carlo Scarpa Drawing Archive from 1989 to 2022. Currently, she is a professor of Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at the Politecnico di Milano. She has been actively involved in the restoration of several iconic works by Scarpa, including the Verona Museum, the Archaeological Museum of the Roman Theatre, the Castle Museum, and the Fresco Museum. Alba Di Lieto has authored multiple books about Carlo Scarpa and is the curator and writer for the website www.archiviocarloscarpa.it. She has designed nearly 60 exhibition projects and has also participated in Scarpa-related exhibitions in Paris, London, Edinburgh, Geneva, Verona, and Montreux.

④ Filippo Bricolo在威尼斯的IUAV学习,他以满分的荣誉毕业。2003年,他在加尔达湖(维罗纳)的Morainic山上成立了Bricolo Falsarella associati工作室。他的作品曾在意大利和欧洲获得多个重要奖项。他们在维罗纳的Museo di Castelvecchio博物馆策划了几件装置艺术作品的展览,并参与修复建筑的东翼,在卡洛·斯卡帕(Carlo Scarpa)留下的未完成的空间里工作。Filippo Bricolo同时拥有威尼斯IUAV建筑构图博士学位,目前已连续教学多年。

Filippo Bricolo studied at IUAV in Venice, graduating with full honors. In 2003, he founded the Bricolo Falsarella associati studio on the Morainic hills of Lake Garda in Verona. His works have received numerous prestigious awards in Italy and across Europe. The studio curated several installation art exhibitions at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona and was involved in the restoration of the eastern wing of the museum, working within the unfinished spaces left by Carlo Scarpa. Filippo Bricolo also holds a Ph.D. in Architectural Composition from IUAV in Venice and has been involved in teaching for several years.

⑤ PBEB Architetti是一家总部位于意大利贝尔加莫的建筑设计事务所,由创始人Paolo Belloni和Elena Brazis成立于1996年,从事建筑和城市设计、修复、景观设计与产品设计,他们特别关注建筑与自然关系中的环境可持续性和品质问题。

PBEB Architetti is an architectural design firm based in Bergamo, Italy. It was founded in 1996 by Paolo Belloni and Elena Brazis. The firm specializes in architectural and urban design, restoration, landscape design, and product design. They place particular emphasis on issues of environmental sustainability and quality in the relationship between architecture and nature.

⑥ Croci Stefano,意大利电影导演,斯卡帕主题电影《The pavilion on the water》的制作人。在影片中他采访了斯卡帕一生中最重要的两位人物:Tobia(斯卡帕的儿子)、J.K. Mauro Pierconti(斯卡帕的学生)。《The pavilion on the water》是一部能够全面了解意大利建筑大师卡洛·斯卡帕精神世界的纪录片,以及他对日本文化的热情。

Croci Stefano, an Italian film director, is the producer of the Scarpa-themed movie "The Pavilion on the Water." In the film, he interviews two of the most significant figures in Scarpa's life: Tobia (Scarpa's son) and J.K. Mauro Pierconti (Scarpa's student)."The Pavilion on the Water" is a documentary film that provides a comprehensive insight into the spiritual world of the Italian architectural master Carlo Scarpa and his passion for Japanese culture.

⑦ Alcova是由Space Caviar和Studio Vedèt合作开发的独立设计平台。目前,它作为一个流动的展览空间在包含米兰以内的多个地方展出,激发了关于被遗忘的历史的讨论,并将它们重塑为表演活动的临时场所。在激活了前面包店工厂、羊绒工厂和军事医院综合大楼后,Alcova重新构思为城市呈现具有重要意义的空间,将它们转变为一个无与伦比的舞台,供大众参与,共同塑造未来。

Alcova is an independent design platform developed through the collaboration of Space Caviar and Studio Vedèt. Currently functioning as a mobile exhibition space, it is showcased in various locations, including Milan. Alcova stimulates discussions about forgotten histories, reshaping them into temporary venues for performance activities. After activating spaces like former bakery factories, wool mills, and military hospital complexes, Alcova reimagines significant urban spaces, transforming them into unparalleled stages for public engagement and collaborative shaping of the future.

⑧ Paul Bik是一位波兰艺术家,目前居住在米兰,作为一名室内设计师,他对构图与空间形式非常敏感,并对意大利现代主义建筑着迷,他对这些建筑独特构造的热情也反应在他的作品之中。

Paul Bik is a Polish artist currently residing in Milan. As an interior designer, he possesses a keen sensitivity to composition and spatial forms. He harbors a fascination for Italian modernist architecture, and his enthusiasm for the unique structures of these buildings is reflected in his work.


Inspection items


Selected accommodation and meals


Registration method

感兴趣的朋友可以拨打咨询电话: 008618516033254,或者添加官方Whatsapp:08618516033254,也可以发送需求至邮箱:mia@yinjispace.com

Interested individuals can inquire by calling 008618516033254 or adding the official WhatsApp at 08618516033254. Additionally, you may send your requirements to the email address: mia@yinjispace.com.


Preferential Scheme

① 3 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 500 元

For a group of 3 or more participants, each person will receive a discount of 500CNY.

② 5 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 800 元

If a group consists of 5 or more participants, each person will enjoy a discount of 800CNY.

③ 游学老学员报名 2-5 次 ,出行可减 500 元;第 6 次起 ,出行可减 1000 元 以上 1、2项优惠政策不叠加 ,第 3 项优惠可叠加

Returning participants who have attended 2-5 trips will receive a discount of 500CNY, and starting from the 6th trip, the discount increases to over 1000CNY. Note that discounts offered by items 1 and 2 do not stack, but item 3 can be combined with either of them.


Special reminder

酒店备注Hotel Notes:


The listed hotels in the itinerary are based on double occupancy, with room assignments arranged randomly according to the order of registration. If a participant experiences poor sleep quality, it is recommended to upgrade to a single room. The price difference for the upgraded room is to be borne by the participant.

签证备注Visa Notes:


The passport must have at least 6 months of validity remaining after the trip concludes and should have 2 blank visa pages (excluding observation pages). YINJISPACE only collects passports on behalf of participants. The approval of the visa application is at the discretion of the consulate. Any losses (including, but not limited to, self-booked flights or hotel reservations) incurred due to visa rejection are the responsibility of the visa applicant. Once the visa application is submitted, the visa fees are non-refundable, with a processing time of 6-8 weeks.

保险备注Insurance Notes:


The insurance provided for this trip is only applicable to participants holding passports issued by mainland China. Participants holding non-mainland China passports are required to purchase their own insurance (self-provided insurance). Any risks and losses incurred due to opting out of insurance coverage will be the responsibility of the participant.