YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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招募结束 | 西班牙 x 自然诗意之旅


Wandering through the winds and tides of history, Spain, located on the Iberian Peninsula, has gradually transitioned from its former glory to an endless realm of romance and passion. The interweaving of geography, climate, cultural environment, and diverse influences has crafted a three-dimensional and alluring national image. As one of the pertinent and authentic ways of life today, the exploration and practice of mountains, seas, and nature are all endeavors to paint new possibilities for the future.


This Spanish journey of natural poetics encompasses various fields, including cities, architecture, landscapes, art, and furnishings. It underscores a sense of locality, design consciousness, and a form of "empathetic resonance" concerning the perception of place. We will focus on six Spanish architectural and interior design firms, exploring their design strategies that consider site specificity, history, environment, contemporary aesthetics, and suitable spatial functionalities. Through this exploration, we aim to unravel the underlying thought processes and societal significance behind their works.


This practical and reference-worthy design methodology might offer inspiration for our present moment. From June 27th to July 4th, 2024, in an 8-day, 7-night itinerary, you can join YINJISPACE to immerse yourself in the essence of "place," experiencing and perceiving the individual charm that arises from the differences in design strategies based on the overall coordination of site environments in another country.


Highlights of the itinerary

① 西班牙设计之旅,从马德里到巴塞罗那,跨越3座城市,并登临最美岛屿——马略卡岛,由西班牙事务所创始人担任领队,全程配有专业的设计翻译。

Spain Design Tour, from Madrid to Barcelona, spanning 3 cities and landing on the most beautiful island, Isla de Macalillo, with the founder of the Spanish firm as the leader and professional design interpreters throughout.

② 聚焦5家西班牙建筑室内设计事务所:Ricardo Bofill、OOAA、Balzar Architects、Ramon Esteve、Francesc Rifé。

Spotlight on 5 Spanish architectural interior design firms: Ricardo Bofill, OOAA, Balzar Architects, Ramon Esteve, Francesc Rifé.

③ 期间设置7次专业设计课程分享,聚焦豪宅与艺术领域,并参访11座非公开私人宅邸。

The itinerary includes 7 professional design courses, focusing on luxury and art, and visits to 11 non-public private residence.

④ 两位西班牙顶级大师建筑考察,Ricardo Bofill、Xavier Corberó,并参访Ricardo Bofill的私宅。

Architectural tour of two top Spanish masters, Ricardo Bofill and Xavier Corberó, and a visit to Ricardo Bofill's private house.

⑤ 马略卡岛特别参访世界级极简大师John Pawson & Claudio Silvestrin的住宅与英国自然景观大师Luciano Giubbilei的私宅。

Special visit to Majorca to see the residences of world-class minimalist masters John Pawson & Claudio Silvestrin and the private residence of British natural landscape master Luciano Giubbilei.

⑥ 建筑师Le Bonvivants特别开设《复古家具》课程,导览西班牙极具潜力的艺术家及其作品。

A special "Vintage Furniture" course with architect Le Bonvivants, featuring promising Spanish artists and their works.

⑦ 入住4家设计酒店,其中包括马德里Barcelo Torre De酒店、瓦伦西亚Caro酒店、巴塞罗那Casa Bonay酒店和马略卡岛Son Julia酒店。

Accommodations include stays at four design hotels, including the Barcelo Torre De in Madrid, the Hotel Caro in Valencia, the Casa Bonay in Barcelona and the Son Julia in Majorca.


Due to space limitations, not all visitation projects are introduced.


Exchange with accounting firms

① Ricardo Bofill,西班牙著名建筑师,享有“建筑鬼才”之美誉,24岁时便创建了一家涵盖建筑师、诗人、美学家、音乐家以及数学家的知识精英集团——TALLER DE ARQVITECTURA。

Ricardo Bofill, the famous Spanish architect, known as the "architectural genius", founded at the age of 24 TALLER DE ARQVITECTURA, a group of intellectual elites that includes architects, poets, aesthetes, musicians and mathematicians.

② 1935年,Xavier Corberó(泽维尔·科尔贝罗)出生在西班牙的莱里达,家族多为金属匠人和银匠。作为西班牙国宝级的雕塑家,科尔贝罗以其纪念性的公共雕塑作品而闻名,于2017年逝世。

Xavier Corberó was born in Lleida, Spain in 1935 to a family of mostly metalsmiths and silversmiths. A Spanish national treasure, Corberó, known for his monumental public sculptures, died in 2017.

③ Balzar Architects是一家位于西班牙瓦伦西亚的建筑及室内设计公司,由José María创立于2018年。Balzar Architects目前为两代建筑师共同主持,其中有他六岁时就立志成为建筑师的儿子Txema García和Txema García伴侣Laura Moreno,工作室旨在是为人类创造具有人性化考量的居住建筑。

Balzar Architects is an architecture and interior design firm based in Valencia, Spain, founded in 2018 by José María. Balzar Architects is currently co-presided over by two generations of architects, among them his son Txema García, who aspired to be an architect when he was six years old, and partner Txema García Laura Moreno, the studio's aim is to create residential buildings with humane considerations for human beings.

④ OOAA,是西班牙马德里的一家建筑设计工作室,成立于2011年。对他们来说,通过与客户的携手合作和密切互动,以自然而然的方式实现生活空间美学的概念,从而令功能和美学产生美妙的融合。并以极简主义的手法和善用中性色调而闻名,于创造的空间之中精心考虑其几何的结构形式,讲究恰当的线条比例和可持续性的材料应用。

OOAA, is an architectural design studio based in Madrid, Spain, founded in 2011. For them, the concept of the aesthetics of living spaces is realized in a natural way through collaboration and close interaction with the client, resulting in a beautiful fusion of function and aesthetics. Known for their minimalist approach and use of neutral colors, they create spaces with a careful consideration of their geometric structure, with appropriate proportions and sustainable materials.

⑤ 室内和工业设计师Francesc Rifé 于1994年在巴塞罗那创立了自己的设计工作室。受极简主义思潮的影响并延续着传统工艺的制作方法,他的作品体现出接近材料诚实的表达、空间秩序和几何比例。

Interior and industrial designer Francesc Rifé founded his design studio in Barcelona in 1994. Influenced by the minimalist trend and the continuation of traditional methods of craftsmanship, his work reflects a close expression of material honesty, spatial order and geometric proportions.

⑥ 西班牙豪宅设计师Ramón Esteve于1990创立了自己的事务所,以其在建筑、室内设计和家具设计领域的出色工作而闻名。他的设计风格通常以简洁、现代和精致的形式为特点,注重流动性和采光,将自然元素与建筑进行结合,营造出舒适且具有艺术感的空间环境。

Spanish luxury house designer Ramón Esteve founded his practice in 1990 and is known for his outstanding work in the fields of architecture, interior design and furniture design. His design style is often characterized by clean, modern and refined forms, focusing on fluidity and light, combining natural elements with architecture to create comfortable and artistic spatial environments.


Inspection items


Selected accommodation and meals


Registration method

感兴趣的朋友可以拨打咨询电话: 008618516033254,或者添加官方Whatsapp:08618516033254,也可以发送需求至邮箱:mia@yinjispace.com

Interested individuals can inquire by calling 008618516033254 or adding the official WhatsApp at 08618516033254. Additionally, you may send your requirements to the email address: mia@yinjispace.com.


Preferential Scheme

①3 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 500 元

For a group of 3 or more participants, each person will receive a discount of 500CNY.

②5 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 800 元

If a group consists of 5 or more participants, each person will enjoy a discount of 800CNY.

③游学老学员报名 2-5 次 ,出行可减 500 元;第 6 次起 ,出行可减 1000 元 以上 1、2项优惠政策不叠加 ,第 3 项优惠可叠加

Returning participants who have attended 2-5 trips will receive a discount of 500CNY, and starting from the 6th trip, the discount increases to over 1000CNY. Note that discounts from items 1 and 2 do not stack, but item 3 can be combined with either of them.


Special reminder

酒店备注Hotel Notes:


The listed hotels in the itinerary are based on double occupancy, with room assignments arranged randomly according to the order of registration. If a participant experiences poor sleep quality, it is recommended to upgrade to a single room. The price difference for the upgraded room is to be borne by the participant.

签证备注Visa Notes:


The passport must have at least 6 months of validity remaining after the trip concludes and should have 2 blank visa pages (excluding observation pages). YINJISPACE only collects passports on behalf of participants. The approval of the visa application is at the discretion of the consulate. Any losses (including, but not limited to, self-booked flights or hotel reservations) incurred due to visa rejection are the responsibility of the visa applicant. Once the visa application is submitted, the visa fees are non-refundable, with a processing time of 6-8 weeks.

保险备注Insurance Notes:


The insurance provided for this trip is only applicable to participants holding passports issued by mainland China. Participants holding non-mainland China passports are required to purchase their own insurance (self-provided insurance). Any risks and losses incurred due to opting out of insurance coverage will be the responsibility of the participant.