YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号

招募结束 | 比利时 x 艺术豪宅之旅


This marks the fifth overseas study trip organized by YINJISPACE.


In the current landscape of design practices, Belgian architects have ventured beyond international trends to explore a subtle possibility: tranquility, rationality, and humility, intertwined with a hint of vaguely religious humanistic hues, harmonizing in an organic order to stimulate individual vitality. They create and express with a unique self-perception, seemingly independent in a corner of the world, yet holding a significant place.


Diverging from other routes, the core of this itinerary is designed to emphasize locality, practical significance, and a relevant understanding of the location, aiming for a more empathetic experience. We focus on three architectural interior design firms and three avant-garde art studios in Belgium. Through their suitable strategies for the site, history, environment, contemporary aesthetics, and spatial functionality attributes, we explore the thought process and social significance behind their works.


This “applicable” and practical design methodology may offer inspiration for us in the present moment. From March 22nd to March 28th, 2024, during this 7-day, 6-night journey, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself with YINJISPACE in the very essence of “place”, experiencing, perceiving, and learning how Belgian art seamlessly integrates with luxurious residences, while exploring individual differences based on the overall coordination of the site environment.


Highlights of the itinerary

① 比利时艺术豪宅之旅,自安特卫普到布鲁塞尔,跨越4个城市,由比利时设计事务所创始人担任领队,全程1位设计专业翻译同行。

Art and Luxury Homes Journey in Belgium, from Antwerp to Brussels, spanning 4 cities. Led by the founders of Belgian design firms, with a dedicated design professional as a translator throughout the entire journey.

② 聚焦3家比利时建筑室内设计事务所(Glenn Sestig、JUMA、Frederic Kielemoes)与2家比利时前沿艺术工作室(Cédric Etienne、Ileana Moro)。

Focus on three Belgian architectural interior design firms (Glenn Sestig, JUMA, Frederic Kielemoes) and two avant-garde Belgian art studios (Cédric Etienne, Ileana Moro).

③ 建筑师Glenn Sestig以“艺术豪宅”为主题打造深度行程,特别加入了创始人私宅之旅,以及御用古堡画廊参访。

Architect Glenn Sestig curates an in-depth journey themed around “Artistic Luxury Homes”, featuring an exclusive tour of the founder’s private residences and a visit to a commissioned castle gallery.

④ 建筑师Frederic Kielemoes的豪宅作品中大量使用了比利时令人称赞的石材工艺,在克诺克行程中我们特别了策划了为此服务的石材工厂参访,并在Frederic的客户宅邸开设独家课程。

Architect Frederic Kielemoes’ luxury residences prominently feature Belgium’s acclaimed stone craftsmanship. In the Knokke itinerary, we have specially planned a visit to a stone factory dedicated to this service. Additionally, an exclusive course will be conducted at one of Frederic’s client residences.

⑤ 与比利时当下极具热度的艺术家Ileana Moro一起,不仅参访她个人工作室,同时参访布鲁塞尔著名画廊空间Objects With Narratives。

Alongside the currently acclaimed Belgian artist Ileana Moro, we will not only visit her personal studio but also explore Objects With Narratives, a renowned gallery space in Brussels.

⑥ 期间设置6次专业的设计课程分享,聚焦豪宅与艺术领域,并参访7座非公开私人豪宅。

Throughout the journey, there will be six sessions of professional design course sharing, focusing on luxury homes and the art field. Participants will have the opportunity to visit seven privately owned, non-public luxury residences.

⑦ 入住3家酒店,其中包括August 酒店(Vincent Van Duysen)、1898 邮局酒店(Geraldine Dohogne)、La Réserve酒店(Glenn Sestig);并在6家设计餐厅用餐,其中包括Lys d'Or Restaurant(米其林)、Dunas(Grain Design)、Valke Vleug酒庄(Vincent Van Duysen)等

Accommodations include stays at three hotels, including August Hotel (Vincent Van Duysen), 1898 Post Hotel (Geraldine Dohogne), and La Réserve Hotel (Glenn Sestig). Participants will dine at six design restaurants, including Lys d'Or Restaurant (Michelin), Dunas (Grain Design), Valke Vleug Winery (Vincent Van Duysen), and more

⑧ 所参访的项目非公共项目,赋予每一个“地点”探索的积极意义,我们追求“在地性”精神之旅,深入其中,通过与当地知名事务所的链接,挖掘设计深层次的本质核心。

The projects visited are non-public, imparting a meaningful exploration to each “location”. We aim for a journey imbued with a spirit of “locality”, delving deep into it. Through connections with renowned local firms, we seek to unearth the profound essence at the core of design.


Due to space limitations, not all visitation projects are introduced.


Exchange with accounting firms

① Glenn Sestig,1968年生于比利时根特,毕业于安特卫普的Henri Van De Velde学院,1999年成立了Glenn Sestig Architects事务所。他专注于极简主义的表达,同时对建筑线条、比例和透视掌握的恰到好处。

Born in Ghent, Belgium, in 1968, Glenn Sestig graduated from the Henri Van De Velde Institute in Antwerp. In 1999, he founded the Glenn Sestig Architects firm. He is known for his dedication to minimalist expression, demonstrating a precise mastery of architectural lines, proportions, and perspectives.

② Frederic Kielemoes,比利时室内建筑师,作品以标志性的极简主义设计风格而闻名。他秉承着“少即是多”的设计哲学,探索光、空间、情感和场地的独特表达,充分利用自然光营造出更具优雅的极简语境。

Frederic Kielemoes, a Belgian interior architect, is renowned for his iconic minimalist design style. He adheres to the design philosophy of “less is more”, exploring unique expressions of light, space, emotion, and location. He maximizes the use of natural light to create an elegantly minimal context.

③ JUMA是一家位于比利时根特的设计公司,由Mathieu Luyens和Julie Van De Keere创立于2009年。他们的美学标准是现代和简约的,也是克制而谦逊的,设计服务从初步的概念阶段到材料和家具设计的精巧细节无不面面俱到。

JUMA is a design studio located in Ghent, Belgium, founded by Mathieu Luyens and Julie Van De Keere in 2009. Their aesthetic standards are modern and minimalistic, yet restrained and humble. Their design services encompass everything from the initial conceptual stages to the intricate details of material and furniture design.

④ Ileana Moro是一位古巴-哥斯达黎加艺术家,她通过自学亚麻布油画技术来表达自己的艺术理念。她的作品空灵和神秘,画面抽象,有意回避人物形象,因为Ileana Moro更倾向深入探索瞬息万变的神秘主题。她的画作以探索暗色调而闻名,意在揭示人类阴影的深度和层次以及与无形领域的本能感应。

Ileana Moro is a Cuban-Costa Rican artist who expresses her artistic vision through self-taught techniques of oil painting on linen. Her work encompasses ethereal and enigmatic semblance, often abstract in nature, while intentionally avoiding the human figure. Instead, she delves into transient, mystic subjects. Recognized for its exploration of dark tones, her paintings aim to reveal the depths and layers of human shadows and the instinctive connection to the invisible realm.

⑤ Cédric Etienne是一位室内建筑师、舞台设计师和“stillness”的策展人,同时也是Corkinho工作室的联合创始人。Corkinho工作室是一家跨学科设计事务所,总部位于安特卫普。

Cédric Etienne is an interior architect, stage designer, and curator of 'stillness,' also serving as a co-founder of the Corkinho Studio. Corkinho Studio is an interdisciplinary design firm based in Antwerp.

⑥ Potier Stone是Glenn Sestig与Frederic Kielemoes在豪宅或是奢华酒店项目中的御用品牌,他们将工艺提升至艺术的高度,在比利时设计圈被称赞为石材家具制造商,而不是一般的石材工厂。在本次参访中,我们不仅可以欣赏Potier Stone收藏的顶级石材,还能亲临石材加工车间,了解相关的复杂工艺。

Potier Stone is the preferred brand of Glenn Sestig and Frederic Kielemoes in luxury homes and upscale hotel projects. They elevate craftsmanship to an artistic level, recognized in the Belgian design community as artisans of stone furniture rather than just a typical stone factory. During this visit, participants can not only appreciate the top-tier stones in the Potier Stone collection but also gain insights into the intricate craftsmanship involved through a visit to the stone processing workshop.


Inspection items


Selected accommodation and meals

Winery VV位于Flanders乡村的一片葡萄园,古老的芦笋田里生长着17000棵葡萄树。项目灵感来自于建筑的非典型性,并从所处的场所和建筑中汲取了一种独特的符号。Vincent Van Duysen Architects尊重当地的传统,将建筑内嵌于现有的景观之中,向克莱因布拉班特地区古老的农业建筑致敬。

Winery Valke Vleug is in a vineyard in rural Flanders, where 17,000 grapevines grow in an ancient asparagus field. The project draws inspiration from the atypical nature of architecture and incorporates a unique symbol from the surrounding site and buildings. Designed by Vincent Van Duysen Architects, the project respects local traditions by seamlessly integrating the building into the existing landscape, paying homage to the ancient agricultural structures in the Klein-Brabant region.

La Reserve酒店由比利时建筑师Glenn Sestig设计,自20世纪中叶开始,克诺克小镇就成为了比利时颇受欢迎的海滨度假地,而这家酒店一直充当着主角,服务和接待了许多著名人士。Glenn Sestig将酒店的公共区域进行了全面的改造,令极简主义建筑风格和奢华材料组合并融入于酒店,形成了其独特的遗产风格。

La Reserve Hotel, designed by Belgian architect Glenn Sestig, has been a prominent figure in the seaside resort town of Knokke since the mid-20th century, making it a popular destination in Belgium. The hotel has served and hosted numerous celebrities over the years. Glenn Sestig has undertaken a comprehensive transformation of the hotel's public areas, seamlessly integrating minimalist architectural style with luxurious materials, creating a unique legacy style for the hotel.

August酒店是一座具有百年历史的修道院,Vincent Van Duysen建筑事务所将其修复并重新打造成一处宁静的城市避风港。精心修复其新古典主义时期的面貌(与Wouter Callebaut Architecten合作),并通过增加当代建筑元素,赋予它具有现代酒店的特性和使用功能。

August Hotel is a century-old monastery that has been meticulously restored and transformed into a tranquil urban sanctuary by the architecture firm Vincent Van Duysen. Collaborating with Wouter Callebaut Architecten, the firm carefully restored its neoclassical features from the period and introduced contemporary architectural elements, infusing it with the characteristics and functionality of a modern hotel.

1898邮局酒店位于根特,由一家建于1898年的邮局改建而成,其建筑原型是由建筑师Louis Cloquet为1913年的世界博览会而设计,酒店位置优越,开窗即可一览对面的古老教堂。Geraldine Dohogne为了延续建筑的人文底蕴,室内保留了历史感的墙面与斑驳的壁炉,并陈设了上世纪的绘画与邮寄工具,试图还原当时的场景。

The 1898 Post Hotel is located in Ghent, and it is a conversion of a postal building built in 1898. The original architecture was designed by Louis Cloquet for the 1913 World Exposition. The hotel's location is superb, offering views of an ancient church from its windows. Geraldine Dohogne, to preserve the architectural and cultural heritage, has maintained historical walls and weathered fireplaces inside. The interior is adorned with paintings and postal tools from the last century, attempting to recreate the atmosphere of that era.


Registration method

感兴趣的朋友可以拨打咨询电话: 008618516033254,或者添加官方Whatsapp:08618516033254,也可以发送需求至邮箱:mia@yinjispace.com

Interested individuals can inquire by calling 008618516033254 or adding the official WhatsApp at 08618516033254. Additionally, you may send your requirements to the email address: mia@yinjispace.com.


Preferential Scheme

①3 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 500 元

For a group of 3 or more participants, each person will receive a discount of 500CNY.

②5 人及以上同报 ,每人优惠 800 元

If a group consists of 5 or more participants, each person will enjoy a discount of 800CNY.

③游学老学员报名 2-5 次 ,出行可减 500 元;第 6 次起 ,出行可减 1000 元 以上 1、2项优惠政策不叠加 ,第 3 项优惠可叠加

Returning participants who have attended 2-5 trips will receive a discount of 500CNY, and starting from the 6th trip, the discount increases to over 1000CNY. Note that discounts offered by items 1 and 2 do not stack, but item 3 can be combined with either of them.


Special reminder

酒店备注Hotel Notes:


The listed hotels in the itinerary are based on double occupancy, with room assignments arranged randomly according to the order of registration. If a participant experiences poor sleep quality, it is recommended to upgrade to a single room. The price difference for the upgraded room is to be borne by the participant.

签证备注Visa Notes:


The passport must have at least 6 months of validity remaining after the trip concludes and should have 2 blank visa pages (excluding observation pages). YINJISPACE only collects passports on behalf of participants. The approval of the visa application is at the discretion of the consulate. Any losses (including, but not limited to, self-booked flights or hotel reservations) incurred due to visa rejection are the responsibility of the visa applicant. Once the visa application is submitted, the visa fees are non-refundable, with a processing time of 6-8 weeks.

保险备注Insurance Notes:


The insurance provided for this trip is only applicable to participants holding passports issued by mainland China. Participants holding non-mainland China passports are required to purchase their own insurance (self-provided insurance). Any risks and losses incurred due to opting out of insurance coverage will be the responsibility of the participant.