Oxygen Park

Oxygen Park aims to provide a "green lung" to the Education City campus in Doha, Qatar. Influenced by the fluid topography of natural desert environments and wind-eroded rocks, the topography was formed to maximize the passive cooling effect of prevailing winds and to accommodate multiple sporting activities.

Oxygen Park is now a vibrant retreat for the local community and an antidote to the hot desert climate. The park offers a 130,000 square meters of green space, 7,000 meters of paths, a shady walkway, a 1600 meter track, an equestrian track, sports fields, 4 buildings, and a garden containing over 100 species of plants, most of which are native and desert adapted.

It is accessible via the tram system, campus bike and walking routes. The striking wind-sculpted landscape within the park was created with the country's hot, dry climate and cool breezes in mind. It not only respects the design core of the local landscape park, but also runs through every aspect of the park design.

For example, the park's topography was simulated by computer to maximize the passive cooling effect of prevailing winds and to create a sheltered walkway capable of cooling the tunnel section. The undulating terrain of hills and depressions creates a powerful spatial framework for a variety of embedded project activities, combined with dynamic circulation tracks.

The walkway is formed by large C-shaped reinforced concrete ribs placed along one side of the track. They are built on a continuous raft foundation that bears the limestone formations below the park. Inspired by the wind-blown desert rock formations, the soffits and walls are covered in natural stone to create a monolithic structure.

The project combines local and desert adaptive planting. Seasonal rainwater is stored on site through seepage channels embedded in soft landscape areas, which enhance the natural drainage capacity of the soil. Lawn surfaces used for sports activities are equipped with smart irrigation systems that control and reduce water consumption through sensor technology.


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