YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Alwill Architecture

Peppertree House

Houses Interiors Sydney 2022-07-14

A House in the wealthy bellevue hills neighborhood of Sydney, Australia, takes its name from the century-old Peppertree House, designed by Luigi Rosselli and Awill, which extends to its roof. Dramatic spiral staircases and spacious greenhouses are some of the salient features that Luigi Rosselli and Awill added to this 1920s Sydney house.

Built in the 1920s, the Peppertree House used to consist of a series of dark living Spaces with an awkward staircase that made the owners reluctant to spend time on the ground floor. Luigi Rosselli's mission was to create better circulation between the rooms and to direct the outdoor views to the lush gardens without compromising the historic character of the house.

Luigi Rosselli worked with Romaine Alwill to develop the exterior of the rest of the house, choosing to use a palette of "lush and tactile" materials. The three floors of the house are now connected by a dramatic spiral staircase that leads to a new attic room. In several places, its shame-beige railings bend from the side walls to form what is called a "hanging sculptural ribbon."


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