André Fu

André Fu Living 2022

Travel Shop Hong Kong 2022-11-21

André Fu Living’s second standalone retail boutique will unveil at Elements this November. The enticing boutique space will reveal the full collections of furniture, textiles, lighting, and tableware for the brand, together with key highlights and newness. Inspired by the sensibility of a re-imagined artisan mansion, visitors immerse in a layered journey of discovery. For the opening period, the boutique will be transformed into a wondrous festive mansion.

The design of the entire concept store is consistent with the brand's aesthetic viewpoint. The 1,600-square-foot store is designed to create the quiet atmosphere of a contemporary mansion, and to provide a sense of escape from the hustle and bustle of life. The L-shaped window spanning 25 meters and the different collections of lifestyle products, including furniture, lighting, tableware, carpets and bedding, will present the brand's unique approach to luxury living - quiet and restrained, elegant and sophisticated.André Fu Living is a brand of its time, a concept of living without the constraints of tradition, history and culture, André Fu believes that the search for spiritual healing is the essence of the attitude of living, and that is what he is determined to create this physical store.

The harmonious design of the new store is based on André's unique aesthetic, and after much thought and exploration, the entire home furnishing collection is designed to guide guests into AFL's living space.André Fu's spatial designs are known for their modernist style. André Fu Living's fashionable home furnishing collection not only reflects André Fu's unique aesthetic style, but also the inspirational elements that infuse André's important memories of different places and cultures in his life, conveying his visionary attitude to travel the world and his personal experience of hospitality to guests.


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