Babayants Architects

Story Residence

Architecture and interior design is always about the people who will use them. The interior is a personal story that describes and adapts to the individuality of the owners of a particular space.

In a world where people are divided by online reality, narrow specializations, personal boundaries, where the smartphone has become an extension of the hand, architects are doing their best to reunite us. They organize routes and spaces conducive to communication, pushing for live communication.

This happens on all scales: in urban planning, in the design of clusters and buildings, right up to interiors. The line between sphere and function is essentially erased. In the past, objects and spheres had linearity and "separation". Now multifunctional, the modern interior design is very much in line with the modern lifestyle.

In this project, Babayants Architects has many creative ideas. Creativity is a constant search, and creativity is a constant search, which means experimenting and testing new things. Yes, bright angles are not a typical story for them! And customers support their colorful mood.


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