Brahman Perera

Perri Cutten Mosman

Travel Shop Sydney 2024-02-26

Perri Cutten's Mosman store is Brahman Perera's latest design story for the label's long history of fostering Australian design talent. Set along the verdant streets of Sydney's Northern Beaches, the project recontextualizes its setting within the urban and natural environment to create a contemporary dialogue.  

Upon entrance, a portal of powdery blue porcelain tile, a vestige of coastal architecture, with rammed-earth plinths and urns on display like long-lost treasures found under the sea. Once in the space, however, all aquatic connotations are muted, and instead, a cultivated materiality and palette takes place. Carpet is not wall-to-wall, but rather, wall-to-ceiling, with the same powdery blue taking centre stage in the form of a soft, cut-pile wool, adding a textural sense of tactility and depth that brings to mind the feminine sensibilities of early 20th century dressing rooms and secret parlours. Armchairs from local furniture designers, Grazia & Co, embody that same sensibility with pinched upholstery and gold castors. Chrome and mirror details spark a contemporary language, with a vintage 1930s lobed dish pendant adding a soft focal point, a beating heart to the space.

Custom rammed earth tables by Australian designer Bieemele, add an earthen minerality to an otherwise cosmopolitan setting. Its juxtaposition mirrors that same urbanism of Sydney within its natural environment, with colour akin to the city of sandstone. The travertine of the main counter parlays that same corporeality into a refined texture, its striated vein pattern broken into a rectilinear pattern of a patchwork grid. The dressing rooms beyond add a theatrical curtain of crushed silk, its striking white hue and delicate rumpled texture akin to the ateliers and sewing rooms of the Parisian note. Each dressing room is lit with a wall lamp from local artist, Lana Launay, inspired by Andalusian landscapes, with delicate rice paper and beadwork appending an otherwise dark, rich space.  

The Perri Cutten Mosman project, is a space that draws inspiration from its urban and natural surroundings, without trite, but rather, with a configuration and distilling of the Perri Cutten woman's place in Australia and the world. 


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